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Need help with fundraiser set-up please


New member
Hey ya’ll,

My community is building a veteran’s memorial, and is falling far short of monies needed to erect the monument. I am wanting to do a fundraiser where I sell 14" single toppings for $8 and ALL proceeds go towards the memorial. Would my food cost on the pizzas be tax deductable? Should I run the fundraiser all day or just from 4pm until close? This is my first fundraising venture, so I am in the dark about exactly how I should handle it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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All of the food you purchase is tax deductable. It is an expense and it makes no difference if you make pizzas to donate, use it to make pizzas that you sell, or throw the food in the dumpster it is still an expense that will be taken against your revenue to determine your taxable income.

Instead of selling pizzas at your shop and donating the proceeds, could you set up at the future site of the memorial from 4:00-9:00 and sell pizzas to raise money? This way you could still have your normal revenue from the day and you would be selling donated pizzas to people who might not have bought them that night anyway, maybe gaining new customers in the process.
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I would think that the food costs would be a normal deduction. Then, the money you raise should be a charitable donation deduction, since, I imagine, the memorial fund is being taken care of a 501© organization.
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As usual, I think the complete opposite of most people. I’m sure I’ll be scolded again for this…

I would promote the donation.

“Donate $10 toward the memorial honoring the veterans who placed their lives on the line and get a free 14” pizza."

Raise the price - it’s a donation, not a fire sale.

Take the donation at the site (in a fish tank that is visible), and give them a coupon they can redeem that day or at their own time. If you raise the price $2 each and expect to sell Y pizzas, seed the tank with $2 x Y money to get it started.
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Take the donation at the site (in a fish tank that is visible), and give them a coupon they can redeem that day or at their own time. If you raise the price $2 each and expect to sell Y pizzas, seed the tank with $2 x Y money to get it started.
I really like this idea. Then you could set a short redemption window for the coupon, since it was originally going to be a one day event anyway.
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