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Need more A/C

I’ve added two to our place. I personally installed the second one after paying someone 1,200 to install the first. Installation isn’t that bad if you like a challenge and don’t mind investing in a few tools. Bottom line is, they work well. I like them a lot more than window units because you don’t have to cut big holes in the wall.

I bought pioneer units from Amazon that weren’t too pricy.

I’m actually currently looking at hiring a testing and balancing company to come out because we have a major negative pressure in our building where we are sucking out way more air than bringing in. I can bump the return air up but I’d rather know exactly how much we need to adjust than to go through trial and error, so hiring someone seems the smarter route.

The problem with a negative pressure versus a positive (which is ideal) is that when you open a door you are pulling in a ton of the elements outside (humidity, heat, cold) versus releasing very little condition air instead. Right now our negative pressure is so bad that we suck in a ton of humidity and suck out a ton of conditioned air. It’s even so bad that sometimes I can smell the sewage getting sucked out of the drain pipes.

Apparently these companies make a big difference. I believe it because it logically makes sense.
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Thanks for the input I will price the ones on amazon

I always say “ask George Mills” if you have a question like yours he probably has the answer
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In the So Cal dessert out here we need 1 ton per 100 square feet with a slight positive pressure on the hood system. The best air balancing you can get is yourself. If you are sucking out too much air increase the size of the pulley on your exhaust fan ( this will slow it down ) and feel how it works for a week. You can pick up a smoke pen on amazon for a few dollars a test it around your oven before and after the adjustments.
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i had the same issue with my big shop, we have 8 tons in the dining room but we have a huge air gap in the ceiling that gets to like 120 degrees which is like wearing a hot hat all the time. We were dying in the kitchen, upwards of 90-95 on hot days inside with it only being in the 80s outside. I couldn’t even think on a busy night.

We dumped 10k in to a Mitsubishi mini split system 3.5tons and OMG, its like a dream. If its hot out the kitchen will get to like 75-77 inside, other then that it stays at 70. On cooler days if we don’t shut it down I’ve seen it down to 62 in the kitchen lol
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Has anyone installed an AIR CURTAIN above your entrance door. This is a unit that fits above your customer doors that basically blows air down creating a barrier. Keeps outside air out and keeps inside air in.
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We have 10 tons ( 2-5 ton units ) at each location. This does well about 95% of the time. When we get those 110 degrees days it can still git a little toasty. We had 110 last week and the kitchens worked their way up to about 82 - 83 degrees. I still heard the complaints though. I grew up in the desert with no AC in the house. 83 is nice and comfortable to me. These little snowflakes now days have never experienced any discomfort in their life and think the world is coming to and end if the indoor temp exceeds 68.

I tell them. “You work at pizza place in the middle of the desert. It’s going to get hot.”
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Noreason: you might check your air filter and belt on your makeup air unit, and make sure it’s running.

Pizzapirate: my kitchen used to hit 110 on busy nights… We woulda killed for 83 degrees!
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The HVAC in our location is set for 78 degrees. No problems keeping that temp. The cost of cooling beyond that is just crazy. But we are in a moderate climate. 90 degree days are rare and it cools down into the 50s at night.
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The HVAC in our location is set for 78 degrees. No problems keeping that temp. The cost of cooling beyond that is just crazy. But we are in a moderate climate. 90 degree days are rare and it cools down into the 50s at night.
Are you required to have “heated make up air” for the winter?
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Noreason: you might check your air filter and belt on your makeup air unit, and make sure it’s running.

Pizzapirate: my kitchen used to hit 110 on busy nights… We woulda killed for 83 degrees!
We have AC breakdowns all the time and the kitchens will get up in that 100 degree range. I kinda like that because then the crew appreciates 83. What part of the country are you in?
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I feel real lucky as we have been at 100 degrees outside here in Reno, NV, and have yet to turn our A/C on. We have 2 roof swamp coolers and they have kept the shop cool and also add some humidity. I have learned in dry climates like here where summer heat and humidity levels often well under 15% make them more efficient that A/C and they are dirt cheap to run. Walter
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I live on the gulf coast and the humidity kills. A 100 degree day with like 90% humidity just sucks the life out of you. With the negative pressure are dealing with, it’s the main reason 85 degrees inside feels like 100. Just too much humidity being sucked In.
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I live on the gulf coast and the humidity kills. A 100 degree day with like 90% humidity just sucks the life out of you. With the negative pressure are dealing with, it’s the main reason 85 degrees inside feels like 100. Just too much humidity being sucked In.
I understand having lived worked in pizzerias/bakeries in Austin TX, NJ, OH. This low humidity out here is so nice. Even when it hits 100 if you stay in the shade with a breeze it is nice. Walter
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That’s called a split system, the evaporator coil and blower fan is in the longer unit and the more square unit ( compressor) goes outside. Putting that compressor outside helps reduce heat inside. Just a split system evaporator / compressor. The evaporator will need a drain line or a pump to a drain, that’s for the condensate. Check with building code to see if a pump is ok to use to the nearest drain line if you go that route.

They work very well. The best units are made by Mitsubishi
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We usually install compensating hoods that bring 50% of the out side makeup air directly into the hood and out with never entering the room. 10 to 12 tons of a/c then brings in the other 50 %…

George Mills
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