Royster, For the most part I agree with you, But I plan on doing my fishing in MY POND, cable offers popular shows/channels ESPN, Top Chef, jersey shore, Keeping up with the kardashian, I Carli, The Real House wives of PMQ. Locked up abroad, Pawn Stars,
MY most expensive 30 sec is ESPN NBA playoffs, 40 dollars! most everything else is anywhere from 20 to 35.00 a spot. Now I do have to buy a package, smallest one is 350.00 I can spread it over a year if I so choose. Just like the major chains mine will be to introduce new and exciting items (like beer and wine) or a new gourmet pizza. I am ON THE VERGE of displacing the chains here and I am more as Branding myself. Being associated with a group of professional aesthetes who will do it PRO BONO, is a gift from heaven.
As far as production, Lady luck has fell into our hands once more. My wife’s college roommate is the producer for the local fox news and has access to editing (no CG) and filming an HD commercial. the cost will be less than a val-pac run.
So here is what I THINK I am going with, what do you think? camera opens in on a sign that says Training room…pans over and we have several guys (Angerer, Shipley and McAfee in front of the strength coach, saying how important a strict diet is,
We see pat slip out into the break room where he opens a box from Rock star pizza, says “its simply irresistible” then a little product
placement , then back to pat, eating the pizza then you hear coach yell “McAfee” He gives a shocked look then smiles…scene
another lucky break our daytime manager is married to the strength coach.