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Need some items ASAP ...

Yes, I want them reproduces just as you see them in the photos. same logo

glassware 500 each

Napkins and mis items 1000 or so per month
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I’ll work on quoting them for you now. If I get a quote to you by Monday - would that be ok?
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Nation Wide! Pizza places are sticking notes left and right all over the country! Let me know if you want to see some samples of those - I can e-mail you a scan of just a few of the notes that we’ve done… Just PM me your e-mail.
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Are you thinking of Notes as Boxtoppers or Doorhangers? Or do you want to run a Post-it on the front page of the Orange County Register? Either way… I’m the person to talk to - let me know and I’ll know what info to get to you.
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Barcelona - I have your quote done - PM me your e-mail and I will send it over to you. I also have info for you on running a note on the front of the OC Register.
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