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New and Need Advice

I am sort of new to the business. I like pizza and wings. But, I have worked in a few different pizzerias, but never owned one until now. Its a long story on how I began on this journey, but I want it to be a successful one.

I am wondering if anyone can give me some marketing ideas.

The pizzeria that I took over is in a small town in upstate new york. My friend that opened it about a year ago passed away and this is why I now have it. I want to make it work, but like I said I am new and need advice.

Thank you
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Do you have a budget? What’s your competition? Are you the best or are you the cheapest?
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1st thing to do is setup a loyalty system, costs next to nothing and you’ll see an immediate return in higher spends and higher frequently.

I’m guessing that you’re looking at doing more marketing because you’re not earning enough… Who doesn’t want more money!

This board is home to so e of the smartest minds in pizza, but to help you you’ll need more information.

What is your target customer?
What is your current customer?
What is your product & USP?

These are some questions that will help to give an insight.
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I just wrote about 30 lines of text before going back to read your question again. I found that you were only asking a question about marketing, but I had assumed it was a question about how to make a success of a business that you sort of stumbled into. You told us you like pizza and wings and had worked in pizzerias, but you didn’t tell us if you have a background in business or managing the profitability of a business. So, without more background, let me suggest that selling more pizzas and securing repeat customers (marketing success) is generally about finding a need and then filling that need (folks will pay you to fill their needs, whether it is a furnace filter that never needs to be replaced or a great tasting pizza at a reasonable price served with a smile). First, identify your market (the income range, age range, number of kids, education, etc. of those in the geographic area that could logically buy from you), then determine if you have products and pricing that a crowd like that would be attracted to. If your products aren’t the best in that market, you will need to offer very very good prices … but, if your products are at the top of the heap, your prices need only to be reasonable. Then you will need to get your message out to those in your market … let them know that you have an outstanding product, or outstanding prices. And finally, you will need to monitor the response to your campaign to get that information out there. Several other posters here will likely give you some good advice as to what vehicles to use in getting your message out (like door hangers, advertising, box toppers, direct mail, etc.), but before starting that marketing campaign, you will do well to first identify what it is that you do well (product or pricing), and then make that the thrust of the campaign. One last thing, don’t forget to include competitors (their quality and price profiles) in your analysis of what it is that you want to be the thrust of your message.
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I dont have a background in business or managing. My wife is doing that part. She has been a manager in fast food for a few years now. I am learning the business part as I go. Any advice on finding out the income range, age range, number of kids, education in my area? That info would be great.

Also there are 2 chains in the town to my west that deliver into my town. Nothing else for at least 15 miles. We are the only place in the town that we are located in. Thats a plus Im sure.

Right now I am working on a spreadsheet that will price our recipes.
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Google American Fact Finder for demographic info provided by the US Census. And if you have a local Board Of Trade, Chamber of Commerce or other local business group, they will either have the info you want or will be able to direct you to a good source. You say that you’re in a small town, so you probably already have a good sense for the income levels and age distribution. The demographic information will give you a picture of the typical potential customer … if that customer is, for example, a lower income blue-collar family scratching to make ends meet, you know the answer for what product will be most attractive to them … inexpensive, but filling. I’ve always felt though that a great pizza doesn’t have to cost you a lot to make, and can therefore be offered at a reasonable price. Just look at those two chains that deliver to your town, and figure out how to offer an obviously better pie … even if it’s priced slightly higher, you will be the better choice and the public will beat a path to your door. Customers want to keep local businesses strong, and they will buy your pies if they are a good product and you don’t kill em with high prices. By the way, get yourself a Facebook page and make frequent postings on it, even if they are only pictures of gorgeous pies or a note of congratulations to the local high school team … it shows that you are indeed part of the local community.

Good luck, and let us know how your business is growing. You can bet that we want you to be successful.
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Hi Gilbert,

Here are some ideas on Loyalty Rewards…

  1. []Give your customers an easy way to sign up in the store. A tablet signup requesting their email address and/or cell phone number would be ideal, but in a pinch the good old fashioned survey cards with the check will do.
    ]Be sure to give them an incentive to give you the information. “Sign up to our Loyalty Rewards program and receive (offer here)”
    []Assure them of privacy. Many of your customers are being asked for contact information wherever they go, these days. Assure them that you won’t trade or sell their private information.
    ]If you can’t keep track of every visit or purchase automatically, break out the tried and true loyalty “punch cards”. The next step up would be something built into your POS for rewards, or better yet a dedicated Customer Loyalty Rewards system designed specifically to track and incentivize your customers’ loyalty.
    []Keep your business’s name and brand/identity at the forefront of your customers’ minds with automated email and/or text messages throughout the year, and a personal call on a birthday goes a lot farther than a emailed offer (but at least send the offer).
    ]Turn your loyal customers into the most dedicated and cost-effective marketing team your business will ever have. Incentivize them to share your business with their social network friends and family.
Hope that helps get you started.
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