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new business


New member
I opened my shop 3 weeks ago and it has been amazing…
I am in the UK BTW…
I joined Twitter and searched myself and what do you know…staff bitching about the cleaning/jobs they have been asked to do…staff saying ‘I am pissed off that I am here at work on a weekend’…‘gotta clean the toilet’…

I know law is different this side of the pond but how do you think I should handle this?
They are on double the minimum wage BTW…

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Show them the evidence. If they are dumb enough to tweet that kind of stuff where you can see it that easily, you may not need them as much as they think you do.
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How valuable is someone to you if they’re bashing your shop? They might not be commenting on your product, but having been in business only a few weeks I don’t think the maxim any publicity is good publicity applies. That said, it sounds more like the gripes that workers in this field might have rather than any personal attack on your shop (and prior to the Internet I’m sure such complaints were made amongst friends all the time). Maybe implement a store policy on twittering about work or whatnot? I don’t know how feasible that is as twittering and FB now seems to be like just talking to a friend when I was younger. Unfortunately, now it just reaches a much wider audience. Maybe just make them aware of that and how it could possibly negatively impact your new business. If it persists . . . your call.
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