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new competitor


Staff member
Phase one and and 2 complete need some ideas
so heres the scoop, got a competitor moving to town. To be proactive here is my first 2 steps
  1. this small chain does online ordering and a website, they do so like XXXXpizzadowntown, XXXXpizzaindianapolis,…in other words the pizza plus the town.
    So I went to go daddy and reserved and net and will have them forwarded to my website.
  2. closed them out of valpak
  3. the new EDDM will allow me to do a mailer in there direct neighborhood where I can be super aggressive!
    hit me with some more please, they will be here in about 60 says
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in another thread I found this advise
Getting your pizzas into the mouths of potential customers is the best form of marketing, provided you have a great product, so that they come back as regular paying customers.
For mine I would drop everything and get a FREE PIZZA offer going out as a matter of urgency. Some will come for the freebie and never to return but if your product is good they will come back and even with the freebie others will order additional pizzas or sides when ordering the free one.
I feel this is a good idea as well, doing a customer appreciation day, the day before…lots of people will not do pizza 2 days in a row either!
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I love the fact you bought their websites! Now, you can keep the links too your site or see if they would like to purchase the web addresses from you for a premium fee! Either quick payday or gamble a little on the longterm payoff. :mrgreen:
I love the fact you bought their websites!
I think he’d better read the ACPA ( … ection_Act) .

It won’t take GoDaddy long to yank that registration away, especially if it is set up as a redirect to the website of another pizza place.

They won’t stay locked out of val-pak for long either, if they don’t want to. One call to val-pak “hq” telling them that the local guy won’t sell to them will fix that problem.

If I were them, my first val-pak piece would be about how Rockstar tried to block us from being able to advertise and tried to redirect our customers to their website by using our name.

I’d be careful here Rockstar, two can play that game. Beat them on price, service, product.

( :lol: brad types faster than me…)
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I would be very hesitant to link their close web address to your website. From a consumers perspective, I would find myself feeling quite negative towards XYZ pizza if I landed on their website when I typed I really find it to be a slippery slope. I might put a landing page that redirects to a google search of “pizza in your town”. Or if you really want to be bold, without using the name of the new pizza shop simply states: “please be patient with us as we evolve out of the stone age and eventually get online. Who knows, maybe someday we might even offer online ordering, but computers will probably be obsolete by then.” I wouldn’t actually go quite so far as the second one but I do think a simple redirect to a search that you are at or near the top would be great.
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brad randall:
Er… not to rain on your parade, but I believe that is Cybersquatting. There is a consumer protection law that gives legal recourse to trademark owners.
I have, .net, and .biz, plus,, .net, and .biz and all are linked so whatever people put in it comes to our home page. As far as I know if it is linked to an active site then it is not squatting. May be wrong.

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brad randall:
Er… not to rain on your parade, but I believe that is Cybersquatting. There is a consumer protection law that gives legal recourse to trademark owners.
Would, or be actual trademarks? I could understand it being iffy if Rockstar took the actual pizza shop’s name,, and squatted on it, but I don’t see how this would be considered squatting.

/ “iffy if”…LOL
Did you read the law? There are more than a couple of points that would be true in this case:
  1. the registrant’s trademark or other intellectual property rights in the domain name;
  2. whether the domain name contains the registrant’s legal or common name;
  3. the registrant’s prior use of the domain name in connection with the bona fide offering of goods or services;
  4. the registrant’s intent to divert customers from the mark owner’s online location that could harm the goodwill represented by the mark, for commercial gain or with the intent to tarnish or disparage the mark;
  5. the registrant’s offer to transfer, sell, or otherwise assign the domain name to the mark owner or a third party for financial gain, without having used the mark in a legitimate site;
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It’s most likely “moot” by now anyway. If this outfit is as business savvy as they’d need to be to be growing in this market chances are they’re reading your post the same as the rest of us. I’d suppose they’re well on their way to a counter-strike. But…doesn’t mean I’m not a fan of your idea!!
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Awww… legal or not it was still worth a laugh while it all lasted Rockstar! I live 2 miles from GoDaddy’s original HQ…so I will go see if Danica is around and can help explain all these internet laws too me! 8)
Legal or not, still worth doing just to slow them down and redirect there resources and attention. Its worth getting all sort of pizza domain names for your town to give dominance on the net locally.

Also worth getting all the facebook, twitter etc names as well. Means making up some false accounts but searching on facebook is not the best, so that vanity URL is getting important.
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Talking about websites, I’m a bit of a geek in this area.

We should all get the domain names for pizzaxxxtown, pizzadeliveryxxxtown and xxxtownpizza but also get pizza-xxxtown, pizza-delievery-xxxtown and xxxtown-pizza. Search engines read minus(-) as a space so the latter will be a direct match to most pizza searches in your area and will increase your search score immensely, don’t worry about underscore(_) domain names as google recognises them.

Secondly, don’t redirect to your website as googlebot will penalize you for that, mirror your website by copying all you website files and host separately remembering to update each website when you make any changes. Or better still create a separate front page about your pizza place and loads of keywords every where with your telephone number, link to your website and an ‘order here’ button and then link to your website.

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all valid points.
so one I don’t direct them to my sight…I just park it
similar to how someone has parked for 8 years now and offer to sell it to me for $10,000
2) yes a call to val-pak would get him in trouble and yes they would get in. but its free advertising
if they do,
3) third, I did not ever EVER mention to specifically block a certain company from val pak.
what I told him is that if he wants MY advertising money, I would not put it in a diluted form such as val pak and lead him to the water that I wanted him to drink. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES did I bend his arm to agree to it!
4) IF HE/SHE READS PMQ then he/she is by far one of the worst at implementing any strategies, the owner owns one shop and this will be the second. I am fairly close to the first shop, meaning that I can drive to it in about 20 minutes. and I have a couple friends that live in the delivery area. the marketing is non existent, black and white menus and the place is pretty run down. Its a del/co. The new location will be an attempt at dine in as well, this location I looked at before I moved the rent is a little insane for the area but I would hope that they would have come down, three places have failed in 6 years
had there pizza and I am NOT WORRIED.
I like the facebook idea.
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I know that 10,000.00 to buy a domain is a lot of money…But how much potential sales have you lost by not having the best domain name?..And how many folks have entered in their browser, did not find you and think you were out of business and go elsewhere?
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Ok…now I am confused. If this person is holding Rockstars name and offering to sell it…is that not the entire premise behind the laws that were mentioned in this thread? It is illegal to register and hold a name for extreme profit! I just read things quickly, but doesn’t Rockstar have a case against this person for doing the same thing? :?:
It sounds like they owned the URL before Ron was established, is that correct? The law is a little bit fuzzy in those situations…
While the ACPA contemplated the purchase of domain names for resale to trademark owners, it did not contemplate the more modern practice of domaining. Domaining is the business of registering a domain name, parking it or placing pay-per-click ads on it.[19] Domainers rely on type-in traffic, which is when Internet surfers type in the domain name rather than using a search engine to find what they are looking for.[20] Domainers can make a lot of money in this business of buying and selling domain names.[20]
Edit: Is the $10k price what comes back when you use the Go Daddy negotiation service (with a fee of $69.99)? Have you talked to a lawyer - they don’t even have a site parked on it?
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