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new look


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I have had the same logo for 22 years do you think that is time to change it ?How many have you have changed yours?
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We purchased our store 4 1/2 years ago and changed the name 4 years ago. We went wth a new name, logo and colour scheme that has worked well for us.
When we started with the new name we wanted to make a complete break from the unprofessionally, run of the mill pizza shop of the previous owner to something that created an image of quality, professionalism, cleaniness and standing out from the other average independents.
At the end of this year we are modernising our logo. The current one has done the job but it is “dated”. Our brand name has now been firmly established for quality, value, professionalism and community involvement.
BUT … the time has come to get a creative graphic designer to give our image an uplift to a more modern feel. We are keeping the name and colour scheme but are changing the logo. Uniforms will change to a more modern cutting edge stlye that suits our shop and our market.
The owners of our centre (medium shopping centre) are looking at removing the 2 parallel parking bays outside our shop and making it into a al-fresco area (my suggestion to them) with us getting the rights to signage on barriers and umbrellas with the area to be shared with Subway and the Fish & Chips shop next to us - we maintain the majority of the space. This will allow us to open during the day as a cafe style operation (coffee, cakes, light meals, snacks etc) and pizza shop at night (also doing pizzas during the day, of course). This should happen later in the year so the time is right to re-badge at the same time.
I think depending on your market you should look at your business image every 5 years to update as needed. Look at all the Nationals - KFC, Domino’s, PH, Maccas etc. They all tweak their logo every now and then. They keep the base image but modernise as they go, and that is what we will be doing.
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I have an idea for a graphic designer for you: I have used crowdSPRING for a logo design and what I got was unbelievable. It’s normal in the Phoenix area to get three logo concepts for $500 from a reputable (good but not top flight) designer. My logo project on crowdSPRING got well over 100 submissions for a $500 award. Probably 25 of the submissions I would rate as very good. About 5 were excellent. Th biggest problem was picking one! is where I did this.
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