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New manager


New member
recently hired a new manager, great on paper, lot of food experience, owned his own place. Instantly feeling like it was a mistake. Unfortunately he talked a big game and is not living up to it. How long should I wait before exploring other options. I feel really bad because he quit another position to come on board, but I just don’t think he is going to be a good fit for my team. We are a positive, upbeat, dow to earth place and I don’t want to lose that reputation over one guy.
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Is he coachable? If he doesn’t have a good attitude and isn’t a hard worker then he should go sooner, better for the both of you. But if he has redeeming qualities it’s a chance for you to develop someone.
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Is he coachable? If he doesn’t have a good attitude and isn’t a hard worker then he should go sooner, better for the both of you. But if he has redeeming qualities it’s a chance for you to develop someone.
Thank you, that makes sense
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I hate the gripped-up feeling in the pit of my stomach of not being happy with someone in a key position in my place. With a long time person I feel like I have an obligation work on it and try to make it work (it rarely does though, once it reaches that point). With a new person, I might give it one serious sit down with some carefully considered goals and benchmarks and tightly defined timeline for improvement… or I might just end it.
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I’ve hired a couple of managers that I knew right away weren’t going to work out after their first couple of shifts. It’s never worked out in the long run.

I can see trying to “develop” a cook, or mentor a cook into a manager position… But if you hired this person as a manager, he should come with the skills to perform the job from day one.

I understand feeling bad because he quit another job to come work for you, but it’s ultimately your business on the line.
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I’ve hired a couple of managers that I knew right away weren’t going to work out after their first couple of shifts. It’s never worked out in the long run.

I can see trying to “develop” a cook, or mentor a cook into a manager position… But if you hired this person as a manager, he should come with the skills to perform the job from day one.

I understand feeling bad because he quit another job to come work for you, but it’s ultimately your business on the line.
I agree but I know from personal experience that if you have a young manager who works hard they may need time to mature and grow into the position. But like I said if they are lazy or have a bad attitude those are unfixable. But like everything in life, go with your gut. In the long run it’ll be right 99/100. I wasn’t a great manager at 21, but I had a gm that kicked my ass and made me grow. And we are close to this day 12 years later, I’m have a completely different work ethic now than I did then. But my attitude and aptitude were always there and he saw that. Remember, you can’t compare them to yourself.
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yeah i would sit him down and explain everything you are thinking…give him a chance to shape up or ship out…sometimes this works, some times it works for a few weeks…then you let him go.
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I’ve hired a couple of managers that I knew right away weren’t going to work out after their first couple of shifts. It’s never worked out in the long run.

I can see trying to “develop” a cook, or mentor a cook into a manager position… But if you hired this person as a manager, he should come with the skills to perform the job from day one.

I understand feeling bad because he quit another job to come work for you, but it’s ultimately your business on the line.
Well said, thanks
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I would definitely set some expectations. Figure out what expectations are not being met. Set some goals and give him or her a time frame to reach the goals, then evaluate them again. Remember, every person you train is an investment and you need to get the biggest bang for your buck. If that investment does not work out, then it would be time to cut your losses.
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Man, there are some really smart and experienced people on this site. Every time I think you give great advice, you top it with the answers you offer the next guy with a problem. I come here nearly every day, because I can learn and benefit from the sage responses you willingly provide. Wow!
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