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new movers


Staff member
So I had been down the road with moving targets some years ago, it did not seem to be drawing that well, I believe at the time we were sending out 50 a month and receiving maybe 4 or 5. Out of that most of the time 2 out of the 5 were going to customers in the same house, and were already loyal customers.
So we discontinued it!
Lady walks in with this company … memat.html
its going to cost: I do have to mail the complete list
The average number of new families moving into Brownsburg each month is 143. Our cost is 0.87 per family so the average cost would be about $124 per month. There is a 1 time set up fee of $95
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I also use mail shark and has been working. Send out about 50/month and get back about 15-20. Offer is for a free Large cheese pizza.
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