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new name to state

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Do you think is is possible to be succesful bringing a name like zero’s which is popular and succesful in the south to the north.

Is it impossible or beneficial to try to introduce a new mane to the market? any history from anyone?
Do you think is is possible to be succesful bringing a name like zero’s which is popular and succesful in the south to the north.

I’m going through something similar right now. I’ve just opened a store in the middle of the state, about 100 miles away from 6 successful locations. You’d think that word of mouth would carry at least 100 miles… it doesn’t. When we opened this store we were thinking it would do around $12k-$14k per week the first few months just because of name recognition alone. We were in for a rude awakening. I guess I was a little cocky and thought that we were invincible, when actually in potenetial customer’s eyes, we were just another pizza place. We opened small (around $6k) and have been building ever since, which is fine by me because that’s the part of the business I’ve been successful with my entire career and that’s also the part of my job I enjoy the most.

So, in answer to your question: Frank, you’re going to be “just another pizza place”. You must make sure your break even is wayyyyy down there or that you’ve got plenty of starting capital if you can’t get it too low. Learn to be a saavy advertiser and by all means, STAY IN CONTACT WITH PMQ FORUM!!! because we sometimes throw ideas out there like they were beads from a Mardi Gras float. Hope this helps. -J_r0kk
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I agree wtih j_r0kk, the name won’t do you a whole bunch of good. What is most important in this situation is the system, and the menu that the franchise has to offer you. Also how is the training, and how well will they be able to support you so far away? Good luck!
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