New Online Issue of PMQ as a Flip Book


New member
PMQ is experimenting with offering an online “flip-book” version of sections of the magagzine. Please go to and try it out and let us know what you think. Reply to this thread with pros, cons, comments, likes, or dislikes. The technology is not cheap, so we want to know if this is a format you would prefer more than the current way we put the magazine online. With the flip-book, you can view pages as they appear in print WITH ads. If we do decide to go with this technology, you will be able to click on ads and go directly to the advertisers website also, but not on this sample version. To view the sample we have, go to and use the tools at the top to zoom in, zoom out, turn pages, etc and then let us know what you think. Thanks
Tom Boyles, editor-in-chief
PMQ Magazines
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looks like it could have merit,
initially, it was awkward, machine like, ie went from page 2-3 to 16, then nothing, could not see other pages…at those points, makes me want to go back to the paper magazine
is better than reading the New York Times online, which I rarely do now, was a novelty at first
now that I see how to “turn” the pages, it is better
nonetheless, I could not read the text and see the whole page,ie, I had to zoom in and could only see part of the page, like tunnel vision
I have a 12" lap top so maybe a big screen would be better
thanks for letting use test it,
I like how it is laid out and I find it easy to navigate. I like how I can look at the whole page and then zoom to the part of the page I want to see.
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Will the next edition be available online prior to the printed version ?

That would make a significant difference for me. I would diminish the value of receiving the printed one, maybe eliminating the need for it.
Eventhough the printed version is a little friendlier.
