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New oven


New member
So, I am a day or two away from getting my hands on a new twin deck electric oven you can control the temp of the floor and ceiling in both decks and it has a max temp of 500C on both the floor and ceiling.
I will be baking straight on the deck (no screens) with a fairly highly hydrated dough (62-65%) and will be shooting for a 3-4minute bake time…

The question I wanted to ask is what would you say is a good floor and ceiling temp to start experimenting with? I think I have read somewhere that the ceiling should be hotter than the floor but I could be wrong.

I have been using a regular home oven so far but have taken the jump and I’m going to open a small shop, so I brought the oven and mixer the other day.

Many thanks

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What is the model of the oven and where are you planning to open your shop? And what style of pizza are you planning to make?

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Are you sure that oven is rated for up to 500C? That’s 932F. I’m not aware of any electric pizza ovens operating at that high of a temperature. Who is the manufacturer? Do you know anything about how thick the bottom deck is? This is what you would go by in setting the temperature. If the bottom deck is thin, say, about 1/2-inch thick, it will not hold much latent heat, so you would need to run it hotter than the top. But if it is thick, say, 1.5-inches or more, then you would probably need to run the top a bit hotter than the bottom to get the top of the pizza done within the crust baking time.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, that is a very helpful post and I will take the info on board. Can’t wait to have a play around with it now! 🙂

I posted a link to the oven Tom.

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For a New York style crust try to use a very high protein flour, such as All Trumps (14+% protein content. If you don’t have anything this high, use the highest protein flour you can get. You might need to add some vital wheat gluten to bring the protein level up to where it needs to be if you don’t get the desired chewiness with your flour. For every 1% vital wheat gluten that you add to your flour, you will increase the protein content of the flour by 0.6%, so, if you wanted to increase the protein content by 3%, you would need to add 5% vital wheat gluten. Also, keep in mind that for every 1% vital wheat gluten that you add to the flour, you will also need to add an additional 1% water to your dough. So, if your dough took 55% absorption without the gluten, and then you added 5% gluten to your flour, the dough would now take 60% absorption. Failure to do this will result in an overly tough dough that is difficult to work with. Also, do not add any sugar, milk or eggs to your dough as they will cause it to brown too quickly at the high baking temperatures you’re going to be using. And lastly, hand shaping of the dough is the only way to go.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, that is some brilliant advice there! thank you!
The flour I am using is this: … white.html and it is the ‘Maple Leaf’ Canadian flour. This is the email the rep sent me when I asked him about protein content:

Hi Paul,
Thanks for your enquiry. Based on protein level alone our Maple Leaf flour has the highest protein content of up to 14%. This flour is milled from guaranteed 100% Canadian wheat. The cost of this flour will be expensive due to the Canadian wheat content. To give you a price I would need more information i.e. what is your business, where is your business located, what would your weekly tonnage be, what would be your maximum order quantity per delivery. I look forward to hearing from you with more detail so I can give you an idea of prices.

Neville Sawyers,
Area Sales Manager,
Carrs Flour Mills,

My dough recipe is 100% flour, 62-65% spring water, 2% sea salt and 0.5% IDY, I then mix and cold ferment for 24hours. I brought a 25kg spiral mixer this week so I will knock up a batch tonight as I have only been using a standard KA home mixer up until now.

I have attached a picture I took last night of my new mixer (you can see the flour I am using in the picture too)

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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Wow! What a great flour to have access to! That flour should serve you well. Good choice with the spiral mixer too. Spirals are extremely durable when mixing tough pizza doughs and with just a little care, it should last you a very long time. I hope you haven’t come to like your mixer repair man, as I doubt you 'll ever see him again. LOL. It sure beats getting to know him up close and personal as his visits are expen$ive.
Keep us posted on your results and progress.
Good luck,
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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If it gets a thumbs up from you (flour and mixer)then I guess it doesn’t get much better than that! thanks!
I am just discussing on about a mixing method as I am going to ‘break’ my new mixer in tonight at home and mix up a large batch of dough just to see how it performs.
I have currently been using this method in my KA mixer:
Add all the cold water,
Add 75% of the flour and mix for 2minutes,
Rest for 20minutes in the fridge (covered)
Add IDY and mix for 1minute,
Add salt and mix for one minute,
Then add the last 25% of the flour slowly (but I always have trouble getting the last 25% in and it takes me ages)
My total time for my dough to be made in my KA including the autolyse was around 35minutes! Pete-zza has helped me alot and told me I should trim that time down so i think tonight I will miss out the rest periods and I am hoping the new commercial mixer helps out a lot too.

Any advice would be very very welcomed.

Thanks Tom,

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Keep it simple, add all of your water at one time (first thing in the mixing bowl) then add the hydrated ADY to the water. Follow this with the flour, then the salt, and sugar if you opt to use it. Begin mixing at low speed, for about 2-minutes, or until you don’t see and dsry, white flour in the bottom of the bowl, the add the oil and mix one more minute at low speed, then finish mixing at second speed just until the dough takes on a smooth, satiny appearance, probably about 8 to 10-minutes. Check your finished dough temperature, remember you’re looking for something in the 80 to 85F range, and the water temperature will probably need to be in the 65 to 70F range to achieve this. Now, you’re ready to take the doug to the bench to begin scaling and balling it. Remember, you’ll want to get the entire dough into the cooler within 20-minutes of completion of mixing., and don’t forget to oil the dough balls and cross stack the dough boxes for two hours if you’re planning to use doug boxes. If you’re going to use individual plastic bage, oil the dough ball and drop into a bag, twist the open end of the bag to form a pony tail, and tuck the poby tail under the dough ball as you place it ont a sheet pan. Maintain a spacing of about 2-inches between doug balls on the sheet pan. Then you can kiss the doug good night. It will be ready to use on the following day(s).
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks Tom, I have a digital probe thermometer so I will keep a check of the temps.
I will also leave out the large rest periods I was using and mix as you have recommended.
I will make some pizza tomorrow (in my home oven sadly) but I will keep you posted on how it turns out. 😃

Thank you,

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