New pizza owner

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Hi all!! What a great forum!!! Im learning at TON!! What I wanted to ask is if you had to give some one your best learned tips for staying and profitting in business what would it be???

Id love to hear any suggestions you have!!
The other question I have is how many pizza’s do u sell per week? I have done projections of course, but what is reasonable? i live in a fairly large suburb, and I know we all live in different locations, but what do u sell? Just so I can get an overall number.

thanx everyone!!
Ive been in business almost a year and in a very competative area with very little advertising capital.
Im doing around 4K per week in pies and subs.
Not at all what I had hoped for but I average a 3% sales increase each week.
Thats an overall average increase. Im not sure what the target is for most places, but it feels like Business is building.
I need to do around 5K a week to make ends meet so, I have been dodging some creditors here and there.

Good Luck to You!
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Stay on top of your game. Set goals for yourself. Achieve your goals.

And do consistent Marketing and set goals for what you want your marketing to acheive.
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I have been deciding on a POS system. I will be using this system with customer comment cards to market my customers and referals by using an email system with bonuses and discounts, does anyone else use this? Is it effective? I will also be using insert fliers to 5,000 customers per week. Does this work for you?
There are too many factors involved in marketing to give you an answer to wether or not your proposed marketing will work.

But I can definately tell you, you’ll need a more solid marketing plan than that. Test out your various pieces, before commiting to large quantities.

Like with your inserts… Before printing up 100,000. Do a small test run of about 1,000 pieces if possible. Make changes to your ad, until you are satisfied with your response. Then unleash.
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I have been deciding on a POS system. I will be using this system with customer comment cards to market my customers and referals by using an email system with bonuses and discounts, does anyone else use this? Is it effective? I will also be using insert fliers to 5,000 customers per week. Does this work for you?

Okay, let’s go over this for a second. It sounds like you’ve got a plan, BUT, it’s limited… and I want to explain to you why:
  1. Customer Comment cards - That lets the customer know how you’re doing. It doesn’t raise sales, it just gives the customers a way of communicating back to you how your restaurant is running… which is good. It’s always good to get a report card from customers. Sometimes it’s even flattering and makes you think there “ain’t nobody better” than you.
  2. Referrals by e-mail - I’ve never tried that but it sounds like a good idea, though limited. I know the philosophy of word of mouth is that one customer tries you and they tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and they tell two friends, etc. But that is only in a perfect world. Word of mouth advertising does work, but only so far.
  3. Inserts - Though a pretty decent form of advertising, it depends on the host. Are you inserting into a newspaper? How many people actually go through every page of the newspaper in your area? What are you inserting fliers into? Usually, inserts in newspapers give you about a .5%-1.5% return (in my experience). If you put out 5,000 you can expect to get about 50 orders over the next week and a half (the average shelf life of a direct mail piece). 50 orders x $15 (ticket avg.) = $750 in additional sales. How much does your 5,000 inserts cost to distribute? Is it cost effective?
In review:

You’ve got the referrals and the comment cards locked. You’ll know if you’ve got a good running store and if you do, they’ll spread the word. Good job on that!

Marketing needs to be more diverse than “inserts”. That only hits a small percentage of people. You’ve got to alot money for boxtoppers, doorhangers, direct mail postcards, and any other advertising needs for special promotions or local events. Don’t get tunnelvision and think what you’ve got is the thing that will put you over the top, because I can tell you from experience, each market is different. What works like a charm in one market might totally bomb in another. You’ve got to improvise, adapt, and overcome the marketing obstacles you will face.

Hope this helps. -J_r0kk
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HI!! And thanx so much for your reply. What I was thinking about the customer survey was doing it online as well as paper in store to get a customer data base of emails to send coupons and insentives to customers to revisit the store increasing my repeat customer data base as well as birthday bonuses etc. I will be opening in the next couple of months and will be the first to open a take and bake in my area, there isnt any others in my area opening in my area hopefully creating a niche. I was thinking of doing the flier advertising in the local paper, but im not sure about that, I dont know if it will generate the sales I want to create. It will cost me $200 to send out 5000 in the paper. But maybe door hangers would be a better idea. I dont know what that would cost as of yet though. I am always looking as everyone else is im sure, into different methods of advertising, I was also thinking going to my local schools and doing a fundraiser with them and see how that does in generating some sales as well. With everything I will do my marketing with things that can be counted such as printed out coupons etc. so that I can track their success. Hopefully this will work out for me, and I will always come back to this site to see what has worked for others and try it for myself.

Thanx all!!
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