Hey All
Been in bus for almost 2 years now doing ok!!! Would love to do better and I know it can but need some new ideas. I see alot of you are doing bus with your schools. i would like to get into that but i don’t know what things can be done. What else can be done to drive rev up. my expenses are in line, now it is just a matter of driving sales up!
Thanks for all the help!
pizza forever
Been in bus for almost 2 years now doing ok!!! Would love to do better and I know it can but need some new ideas. I see alot of you are doing bus with your schools. i would like to get into that but i don’t know what things can be done. What else can be done to drive rev up. my expenses are in line, now it is just a matter of driving sales up!
Thanks for all the help!
pizza forever