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New Scam


New member
At least new to us.
Sunday night, during the Not so Superbowl, someone called and asked to speak to the manager on duty. The phone was handed to me and the caller identified himself and told me that the arrangements they had made for the truck we have coming in the morning did not go through and I needed to go to CVS immediately and get a payment card and then call him back with the info. If we did not get it done within about an hour they were not going to load the truck. I asked what he was talking about and he repeated the story and told me he was “the owner”. Problems with his story, we do not get a truck on Monday, we pay COD on all our deliveries, and last but not least, I am the owner. I don’t know how they expected it to work.
Then yesterday, someone called the Chinese restaurant next to us with a little better version. They claimed to be South Carolina Electric, and told him that since they had not responded to the final notice their power was being cut off. They had one hour to make a payment of $408.00 or the work order was going in to cut off their power. James told them he paid online and the caller said they no longer accept online payment. He came over to my place to get a phone book to call power company because he knew something was not right with their story.
If the people doing this refine their approach and manage to get someone on the phone that is not too swift they could cost some people some money.
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