New way to drive sales - Pizza and Movie Download program


New member
I am doing a little research to determine if a Pizza and a Movie program is something that would work for Pizza Restaurant owners. There is a program now available that will allow you to deliver a Movie Download as a reward to consumers for ordering or dining in your restaurant/s. This can be used to drive a larger purchases per transaction. It can also be used as a loyalty reward to drive multiple visits. The program is currently being used by national retailers as gift with purchase programs and to one of the largest cola manufactures as a loyalty reward.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

thank you,

Mark Fortuna
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The concept does work, in the early 90’s when I worked for a pizzeria,we were right next door to a video rental place and had package deals, yes a TON of headaches…the new digital era has brought on more challenges as we have so many options now how do you feed the masses? netflix? comcast? redbox? I love the idea but have a hard time seeing the ease of execution of it!
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You can purchase redbox gift cards in bulk. In fact this just reminded me that I wanted to do that.
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Running the promotion this weekend. 2 Large 1 Topping pizzas, cheese bread and a promo code for $25… Bought some shipping labels and printed out each promo code on them, stuck them on menus. Will report back how it worked.
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You guys got me interested, how would I go about doing this? Where do I purchase download codes?
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It didn’t work well for us. Google “red box bulk promo codes”. You can buy them there, they email them, I copied and pasted them into mailing labels and attached them onto menus.
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Just wasn’t a hit with our customers… I bundled it with 2 larges and a bread, try to create a higher ticket. We didn’t sell a lot of them.
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