New with conveyor oven, pizza crust is light with brown dots!


New member
I just bought a Lincoln 1132 conveyor oven don’t know why my pizza not fully browning! Only gets some brown dots on the light crust

Oven temp: 475f
Time: 6 minutes

My dough
Bread flour 100%
Yeast 1%
Sugar 3%
Salt 1%
Oil 4%
Water 55 %

I use aluminum screen

Note: when I cook the same dough on gas oven, it gets nice full brown crust.

Any advices?
I have the best crust results at 7 minutes (Lincoln 1100). I have also had to lower the temp a little because. On my heavy pies (vegetarians and such) I will parbake the curst to about 60 percent cooked. They are crispy, browned and beautiful.