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New Years Eve


New member
So all of you with more experience in this than me, which is pretty much everyone…What is to be expected for this new years eve? What do u see in increases in sales for this day?
Im just curious if there is a basic amount of increase everyone expects. Im quiet curious. Thanx all and a prosperous evening for all!!
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This is my first year too, so I don’t know what to expect either. But guaging by the number of times I was asked if we’re open New Year’s Eve, I’m expecting to be fairly busy. So I’ve got a normal Friday crew scheduled. We’ll soon find out.

Good luck and happy new year to all (especially us Indies 🙂 )
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I am usually busy til about 9:00 then everything comes to a grinding halt.
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That would be great! We have been busy today so far.Have done my regular Monday sales already, so anything else is New Years gravy, and I need it!
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My feet are tired. My walk-in is barren. I have a lot of prep work to get done tomorrow before we open. I might even have to try Costcos or Sams for some cheese. Friday was a little bit off, but I did more today (NYE) then we did on Friday. I ran 9% labor for the day and I took the phones off the hook for 30 minutes around 6pm to get caught up. Who knows how many orders I let get away during that time period. We finally got the money counted and everything cleaned up and setup for tomorrow at 11:20 – just enough time to get home and watch the ball drop.

The shower is calling my name, the bed looks mighty inviting and I need to do some laundry so I have something clean to wear tomorrow. Seven day work weeks are starting to catch up with me. I’m used to working 7 days, but with some staff gone for the holidays, the hours have been longer. Anyone got some Red Bull?

Since NYE fell on a Sunday last year, we closed. I had no idea what to expect this year. NOW I know…

Happy 2008 Everyone!

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Scott Hack:

My feet are tired. My walk-in is barren. I have a lot of prep work to get done tomorrow before we open. I might even have to try Costcos or Sams for some cheese. Friday was a little bit off, but I did more today (NYE) then we did on Friday. I ran 9% labor for the day and I took the phones off the hook for 30 minutes around 6pm to get caught up. Who knows how many orders I let get away during that time period. We finally got the money counted and everything cleaned up and setup for tomorrow at 11:20 – just enough time to get home and watch the ball drop.

The shower is calling my name, the bed looks mighty inviting and I need to do some laundry so I have something clean to wear tomorrow. Seven day work weeks are starting to catch up with me. I’m used to working 7 days, but with some staff gone for the holidays, the hours have been longer. Anyone got some Red Bull?

Since NYE fell on a Sunday last year, we closed. I had no idea what to expect this year. NOW I know…

Happy 2008 Everyone!

Scott I know exactly how you feel. No manager, manager in training on annual leave and we get slammed.

Let the staff go at 9pm (close tonight) so they could do their celebrations and did the clean up etc.

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Wow what a night! We had just an average lunch and then at about 4pm it started to pick up it went steady for 2 hours which was good because the girl from the video store we just opened called me and needed help so I ran over there for about 45 minutes and got back to the pizza shop just in time to find things busy again. I did a few deliveries to get everything caught up again and at about 7:45 things calmed down enough that I was gone by 8pm we were open untill 11pm and my staff was able to get out by 11:10. We did just under what we would do on a Friday night with one less person and managed quite well I think because we werent slammed all in 1-2 hours it was spread out over almost 4 hours. Today will probably be a normal Tuesday even though we are open Holiday hours. Sales for the same month last year were up 3200.00 so it was a great month.
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