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Nick do your council meetings go like this?...

Ours are, indeed more civil, and only actual melee potential was when a council member invited the City Manager into the Hall to settle and argument. Man, do we have some fun. This in our town was based on years and years of personal interactions between the two and some personality/ideology differences. It was actually the elected official instigating and initiating the fracas . . . police intervened before anything could go on. The council and city manager are separated by a banister, and can only cross paths in the hallway . . .

that happened last month for us. It’s been brewing for a year, though. May come to actual blows before it is over, but we have assurances it will not be in the Chambers. 🙂 I have suspicions which one would get the taser shot from the police officer if it came to that to break it up . . . .
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