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Nick Sasso's Father


New member
Just let you all know that our good TT buddy Nick is currently going through trying times as his father is extremely ill in hospital.
Going by some of Nick’s updates it doesn’t look good and the next 48 hours will determine the outcome.
If you wish to pass comments to Nick do so via his Facebook page where he is posting updates.
It is a very sad and worrying time for Nick and his family and we wish him all the best with the situation at hand.
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Nick, I pass along my most sincere thoughts and prayers for you and the family. In the past 2 weeks I have buried the 20 year old half brother of my step sister…I know…a little distant but still…and more personal… the father of my best friend in the world at the age of 74. He had lung cancer. He lost his mother in 2003 from a terrible and painful ailment so now I hope they are both in peace and happiness together. As bad as it all seems…this is life’s course for us all. I hope if it comes to it…that he goes quickly and painlessly. Hang in there and always remember that you have us 100’s of us Fat, Bald, and Ugly pizza guys thinking about you. Take care my friend! :cry:
We all go through rough times in life. Knowing there are friends who care helps us through those times.

Nick and Kim,

Though we only met face to face on one occasion I am honored to be your friend. I have no words that can comfort the grief situations like this bring, I can only keep you in my thoughts and hope for a positive outcome. Your extended pizza family is here for you my friends.
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Sad news this morning that Nicks Dad passed away.
Sincere condolences to Nick, Kim and his family
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wa dave:
Sad news this morning that Nicks Dad passed away.
Sincere condolences to Nick, Kim and his family
Taken from Nick’s Facebook page

The Passing of a Giant

Today, at about 6:50 pm, I had the honor of standing vigil with My Aunt Sue & Uncle Steve at My father’s bedside. At 7:08 I witnessed the quiet passing of my hero. My father was a man of unsurpassing courage, compassion, generosity and gentleness. This man is the reason my brother and I have become who we are today. He taught us what it means to be men and husbands. Friends and leaders. He wasn’t always perfect, but he learned always to be the best man he could be. Brother and I will spend the rest of our lives being the men he taught us to be . . . we will man up and get keep our act right.

Dad suffered some stroke damage through the ordeal of his injury and transport. He was not strong enough to hold out, and that was okay. It is time for him to take the well deserved rest and trip to glory that he has so richly desered. His family was with him through the ordeal, and will celebrate his life at the funeral and proceedings. He was definitely a man with a life worth celebrating
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I saw Nick this morning on his way out of town. He’s a much stronger man than I. He’s holding up strong in the wake of his family tragedy and holding his family together. I can’t begin to imagine what I’ll be like when that day comes but I hope my older siblings will be as strong as Nick to help me through it.

Nick I appreciate you stopping by and hope that some day under better circumstance we can meet and talk longer. Stay strong for the rest of your family and know your father is watching you with pride. Good luck on the future endeavors we spoke of and let me know if there’s anything I can ever help with.
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Feels good to be part of this “family”.

Nick…I am sure this is such a difficult time. We are all here and just genuinely feeling for you…

Hugs to both you and Kim and your entire family. What an honor it must have been to know such a man. Kinda sounds like you.

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