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Has anyone heard from Nick lately? Been awhile since he posted…Sasso you ok?
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I had a chat with him on Facebook a while ago. He updates his status there regularly.
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I spoke with his wife earlier today and she said he is fine but very busy.
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Cool, glad he is good…see that is what happens…you get famous and forget about us :lol:
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Imagine that…He puts his “heart and soul” into his business and gets so busy he doe not have time for his friends at ThinkTank…I guess that is good for a little while…lol…
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Cut a guy some slack! 🙂

I’m still alive and around. I am just hitting the grindstone to gut it out past a tough spot. Imagine that. Really, I am just putting into practice all that stuff we been talking about. Marketing is ramping up . . . a little new product development . . . seek and destroy to reduce costs . . . and taking a little bit of time to do some self-development. And brainstorming new revenue streams aka how to get more blood out of that turnip.

I do more reading now than posting. I don’t have a lot of new idea stuff right now with all my creative energy pumping locally. Like we have a catering menu for the holidays for people to order ahead for their family meals: rolled stuffed pork loin, stuffed chicken breasts, mashed potato casserole, sweet potato souffle, and more. Homemade chicken soup for flu season . . . found chicken carcasses pretty cheap and made my own stock.

I am working with a friend and colleague on a sideline business that could tie in nicely with our restaurant (and make some money if we do it right). Has potential to pay our way to a PizzaExpo or a cruise one day. I am working on how to modify and flavor it to do commercial/corporate marketing gigs. I’ll post more as it fleshes out.

Add some facility construction/repair planning and you get a busy Nick. Still nothin’ but love for you guys . . . but I’m letting the real geniuses have some bandwidth for a while, and take care of some business so I can come back soon with new legs and new enthusiasm.
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Well Nick thanks for gracing us with your post :lol:

Your food sounds delicious. Wish I had the space, time, energy to do some of those food options you have they sound delicious!

Glad to see you are still around poking your head in…I don’t really remember to check the delivery section so I missed you had posted,

Sounds like you are having a good bout of enthusiasm with the things you are working on…what is the secret? I know I find myself knowing the answers but not implementing like I could or should…and this time of the year is the worst to slow down doing.

Glad your well and say hello to the Mrs.

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