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Night # 6 of our biggest week


New member
July 24 2011: Hey everyone… apologies for resurecting this ancient thread… it is still our record week!!

The original thread starts here:

Each year the seven days from Dec 26th through New Year’s day is our biggest 7 day run. Today was day one. Prep was good, staff was ready, as of 8PM we are over 5K for the day with two hours to go. If history is any guide tommorow should be 6K and Friday and Saturday should top 7K. I think I’ll get some sleep.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Good luck. I would luv to see those kind of numbers between XMas and New Years. Ol’ well, I’m just tickled that I was busier today than I was the day after Thanksgiving.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week
Each year the seven days from Dec 26th through New Year’s day is our biggest 7 day run. Today was day one. Prep was good, staff was ready, as of 8PM we are over 5K for the day with two hours to go. If history is any guide tommorow should be 6K and Friday and Saturday should top 7K. I think I’ll get some sleep.
wowwww hows that possible… can you give me some info on your pizzeria? are you and indY? how long in business? competitions?
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

He operates in a ski resort town where hordes of customers come every year, regardless of advertising. If I recall, his marketing is targeted more towards herding the multitudes over to him rather than getting them into town. He does a fabulous job at it, as you can see.

Wish I had 10% of those people coming to our town :cry:
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Wow…how big of a place do you have to store enough inventory to do those kind of sales in one week? Do you get a food delivery every day? I, like TangoPizza, would love to hear the details of how your operation is run.

I wish you continued success!

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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

During Christmas break the pizza place at our local ski hill gets so busy they stop taking orders and simply load what they want in one end (several varieties of 2 or 3 toppings) and sell them as they come out…It is quite a sight but only for 4 or 5 days every year…
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Pardon me as I cry you a freaking river :). Poor baby is making money hand over f1st(oh geez that word gets the filter mad).
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Well today was not as smooth. Our driver during the day had some personal issues and had to leave. Assistant manger hit the road which was fine but it took a pair of hands off of prep. We got the prep knocked out anyway but it was a busy few hours. We had to shut down the phones at 7PM for an hour. the computer was wigging out and we were looking at 60-70 minute deli times.

$7000 day.

To answer some of the questions above, we have a lot of storage space and a large walk-in. We are making about 100 trays of dough per night after work. We prep things like tomatos, mushrooms, cheese, sauce, etc etc in large quantities. Cheese is about 200 lbs a day. At our delco, the ovens are middleby marshall super 70s. They can handle about 120 pies per hour. Tonight we topped out at 80 per hour plus sides. 3 on the phones, 4 cooks, two others in the kitchen and 6 drivers. If we had not put the phones on hold we would have done another 1000-1500 but delivery times would have sucked. We did mange to get everyone hot fresh pies by managing the flow into the ovens to match the drivers even though our deli times were an hours or so. In a busy ski town an hour is OK.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Are you talking about 1 store or multiple stores?
Not to start trouble on the board here but… Fantasy Land is in Disney World bro… I am new to the board but not new to the business.

Oven type, “Super 70’s” hmm. I know what you may mean but when your are talking to this board how about being accurate?
6 drivers for that kind of sales?

4 cooks and 2 others in the kitchen?

$7000.00 in a day with the staff above, how about some more details because if this is true you could be the next “Kamron” in the operations end of the pizza business and I will fly out and see you…
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Hey Gsstage3
Are you talking about 1 store or multiple stores
I am new to the board but
That’s why you should read a bit on the board before making a comment like that. First of all it is two stores, one Delco and one slice C/O. I am not in a ski resort town, but can see how this could lead to crazy sales. My crazy days approach this in sales and I can appreciate how difficult this is to manage. Book your Tix to Colorado and make an offer as I beleive this business is still for sale. Eat your heart out Kameron!(or you who think Kameron is the only one who can do sales)
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Thanks Paul.

Gsstage 3, hop on a plane and come on out. After 9 years owning this and plenty of years in other pizza shops I don’t doubt that there are some things I can teach you. If you have been doing this for a while, I would guess you have some tricks up your sleeve that I could learn from.

The slice location is open from 10-4. The numbers there yesterday were just short of$3000. Most of that is done between 11 and 2 but the whole day was busy. All prep is done at the slice location. Staffing is #1 from 9:30 to 4:30, #2 from 10-4, #3 from 11-3 and #4 from 11:30 to 2.

At the delco we had a steady day and did about $500 by 4PM and then hit $4000 at 7PM, locked up the phones for an hour to catch up and then later did several hundred more.

One thing to understand about our business is that our ticket average is better than $30 which helps the driver count considerably.

Other questions asked:

Competition for the delco: Dominos, Pizza Hut and five other indys that deliver. Only two of those indys are delivery specialists though. The market size is about 10-12K year round and this week about 15K visitors. Second home owners are another few thousand, but there is no way of counting how many are here on a given day. Call it 30K total.

The MM ovens are a stacked pair of double-wide conveors. They can take 16" pies side by side. (could take 18" but we don’t make them)

We buy from Sysco and US foods. Two deliveries per week from both. Yesterday we took deliveries of just under 5K in food. We have a large walk-in and about 500 square feet upstairs for storage. The POS system is Prism by mocroworks. Three touch screen order stations plus make, driver and manager. We have touch screen on the manager station as well so that can be a fourth order station when needed.

At the delco, staffing is manager in at 10, additional prep at 12 another at 2 and two more at 4. Three phone girls come in at 5 and another cook. Our pie counts are not as high as the low price folks but with white sauce, pesto sauce, BBQ sauce in addtion to red sauce. Mozz, Feta, Ricotta and Parm and 6 kinds of sausage we make some pretty interesting pies and we can charge good prices for them. We make fresh dough every day and use good veggies etc.

Somebody made a comment about minimum wages… one can only wish. My cooks make $11. My key guys make a base of $12 and about $3-$5 an hour in bonuses on top of that so last night, for example, I had three phone girls at $9 per hour, two cooks at $11 per hour, two key guys making $19 an hour last night and one general manager making $25. Bonuses vary by pay period. In the off season the key guys will be making $13-14.

The central business challenge (after getting the phone to ring and making a good product) is to deal with staffing. We go from a low of around 5K per week with only the delco open in the off-season to this week in 5-6 weeks. We keep a good core of people employed but we need to hire and train for this each season. The good news it that it is predictable when it will happen. On the other side of the slope, we have to ramp down costs pretty fast when the tide goes out.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Well, it was a long day. We just knocked out about 600 lbs of dough after a record night at the delco. We had to put the phones on hold again at 6:45 tonight. We beat yesterday by a few hundred in sales. I can’t get more food through my ovens during the rush. If we kept taking orders it would take 2 hours plus to get the food delivered. So far, we have decided to stick with delivering a hot fresh product in an hour or so.

Right now I would have to estimate the the week will total about 45K. I will be ready for a day off, but none is on the horizon for another two weeks.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

It sounds like you need to find a way to rent an oven for the week. Maybe one of those traveling oven guys needs to come visit you for the week. With it being around the holidays maybe they take time off anyway.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Now that is a great idea . . . . Otis could go to Colorado and rent out his trailer for a week . . . . and offer another hired hand for making pies. Everyone wins!
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

good thought Nick, just too cold…
cold enough for me here, 30 to 60 degrees F.

…am looking for a warmer place next winter, like the Florida Keys
anybody know of any possibilities /

Re: Night # one of our biggest week

I remember doing sales like that when I worked for Villla Pizza in the mall. This would be our biggest week of the year. We did $35,000 for that week. You don’t need a ton of people to do those sales, just the right people in the right positions as you well know.

Good Luck on the rest of your week, look forward to hearing how it all plays out, wish I was there with ya. Those $1000 hours can be alot of work and fun at the same time.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

Well, night four was the best yet. Each year we have to hire and train a new winter crew. We go from 12-14 employees to 22-24 and they have to learn our system. After a few big nights they get it figured out. And then there is also the oddball stuff. The first big night the computer was acting up. It turned out to be the driver routing station touch screen. I pulled a spare out of storage and the problem was solved.

Tonight we were firing on all cylinders. We still had to put the phone lines on hold for a 15 minute catch-up period from 6:35 to 6:50, but we knocked it out. We were on target with the times we gave customers which helps alot with the phone calls asking where the pizza is. I am home two hours before closing and expecting another record night. We had rock-stars on the line tonight and our best driving crew. Our deliveries were getting there nice and hot despite the 1-1.5 hour time in a blizzard. (We should get about a foot of snow tonight)

Every night we break 4K I “tip” the kitchen $20 apiece and they are starting to get used to it! The dough crew will be doing another 600-700 lbs to make up for the nearly 8K we did today between the two stores.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

I own a multiple restaurant delivery service in a ski town in Canada, and beleive me those numbers are easy. I deliver tons of pizza for the various shops here, just took an order for 8 - 18’ers and 24 pop, with an 20% auto grat included on the bill for the driver, total bill = 385.34. The pizza are at pricey indeed. These orders are common all night, new years day is unreal, we always break 8k open form 11am to 11pm and we auto grat any orders over 120$ which is 70% of the orders. The dominos here break 10k a night during these times.
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Re: Night # one of our biggest week

How nice for you that the numbers are easy. You might find it more challenging if you were actually making the food. The delivery is the easy part.
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