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No Pizza for a whole week!


New member
My wife and I left town for 8 days. Our first vacation without kids in 12 years! We had a great time. Was going to stop and smell the flowers but when I leaned in to do so it looked like staying back was a better idea. Got a nice picture though!

Oh yeah, the store ran just fine without me.
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Steve…2 things. First, pizza is like narcotics. You cannot stop cold turkey! Do realize the withdrawl issues you could have gone through? Not healthy man! Secondly, well duh the shop ran fine… you had your delivery drivers there! 😛
I was really tempted to stop into pizza stores I saw (these are the ones I remember from driving by): Fruita, Moab, Flaggstaff, Sedona, Oak Creek… But I resisted! (Even though I have visited a few of them in the past and said hello to some fellow ThinkTankers)
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It is polite to visit but then it turns into an afternoon of pizza bs! You did yourself more good to pass on the pizza and enjoy the break! No worries I am sure! 8)