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Non-Owned Auto - Who Do You Use?


New member
My Insurance agent could only find 2 companies offering it here in NC. Sunderland Insurance and Republic Vanguard. I’m currently insured with Sunderland for 3 locations and my insurance just went up over $1,200 to over $9,000/year. Republic quoted us around $10,500. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Seems to be par for the course. The last two companies i was with left the market, seems very few companies left are willing to underwrite this type of insurance anymore. This year my agent found a company that was only a couple hundred more then my previous plan, and they searched for 4 months (we got the notice of cancellation 5 months before my contract expired).
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we were also in the same boat last year when our company PSM Public Service Mutual no longer did business in our state so we had to go with the unassigned risk pool instead to get coverage…what a pain in the ass that was
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$9000 for three locations seems like a bargain to me. We are with Allied. Runs about $6,000 per year combined with our regular business coverage for a single location.
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