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Number of tickets per day

Somewhere between 5 and 500.

I could offer some insights, but details are more important in small markets than larger:
How many other eateries in town? In 5 miles? ALL eateries, not just pizza.
How many pizza places in 10 miles?
How many delivery eateries?
How far to the largest town in the county?
How many businesses are located near you? Like are you on a major highway or a charming little downtown district?
Stand along location, or strip mall, or what?
Is this a place where people come to work, or do residents all commute out of town for work?
HAve a grocery store and bank in town? Where do people find serious grocery shopping and banking?
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4 other eateries in our community no other pizza.
no one delivers.
the next town of 100,000 population is 25 miles south of me and the other town north of us is 20 miles away pop of 23,000 people.
Im located in a plaza with a grocery store, bank and post office nice location.
We are a resort comunity 27 hole golf course two lakes 3000 custom homes about 5000 population.
a few work locally, most commute and alot are retiered folks.
the grocery store has about 500 customers a day.
I bought this pizzeria 4 yrs ago i have not run any adds or run any specials it’s such a small community its all word of mouth. We make our own pizza dough, sub rolls daily all fresh ingredients. I have a pos system and online ordering. Im doing over 3000 orders a month up 10% net dollars 2010 vs 2009 up about 8% this yr so far. I just wonder how much more business is out there.
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I cannot believe there is any value to the number in today’s economy, but three or more years ago, we used to toss around a number like $17.85 or some such as the projected average spending per household on pizza per month. It was a really broad stroke number back then, and I have zero idea what real survey numbers are out in the slow spending world we live in today.

But, using that number, you can get a really broad idea what is out there.

With a little marketing, you can find out what the potentials are. If you’ve done no marketing at all, then I contend you are leaving money on the table. With a 27 hole golf course, there have got to be tournaments occasionally that you can get some sort of sponsorship or marketing tool into, there is the day to day stuff like printing golf score cards with your logo on them, or ball location markers, and golf tees. These are the easy ones to think of. Checking out advertisement on Grocery receipts, coffee travel mugs for commuters, all sorts of things. Sending offers to existing customers.

Marketing has MANY USES in addition to finding new customers: two come right to mind . . . customer retention (and avoiding the churn), and increasing ticket averages and frequency of existing customers.

If you try some of these sorts of things in a systematic plan, even a couple simple, and inexpensive ones, done well . . . and get no response in sales bump I will be stunned.
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One might easily ‘assume’ that each resident address holds 2.5 “Consumer Units” (based on census type data…

Each “CU” spends approx. $51/week on food away from home…

Pizza sales account for 11.7% of all restaurant sales…

fun #'s 2 chew upon…
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not sure what an answer to that question does…what if you did a ton of slices that gives you a high number of tickets or conversely your percentage of sales are alot of higher-ticket items like dinners. I personally love lunches where we do large pizza orders rather than a bunch of slice combo deals so the almighty sales number is my top priority
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One might easily ‘assume’ that each resident address holds 2.5 “Consumer Units” (based on census type data…

Each “CU” spends approx. $51/week on food away from home…

Pizza sales account for 11.7% of all restaurant sales…

fun #'s 2 chew upon…
so if this is the equation to determine market cap, would that be per month? I have 23k addresses so would my cap be 343k/month and then i do about 15k so i control roughly 19% of the pizza market? just wondering because i have been trying to figure out what my market share is.
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