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Oil for deep pan


New member
How much oil are you using in your deep pan pizza pans 9",12" and 16"
Also while I am here what are the best dough weights for these sizes?
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Only YOU know what YOU want in a thick crust. So here is the way we calculate dough weights. Stare with your 12-inch format. Calculate the area of the 12-inch pan (Pi X Rsquared) or 3.14 X 36 = 113.04 square inches.
Now, put just enough oil in at least 3 pans to just cover the bottom when you pick up the pan and tip it to flow the oil around. Then pull a little of the oil up around the sides of the pan using a brush.
The next step is to scale dough pieces at 12, 14, and 16-ounces (make these the day before and store in the cooler, allow to temper AT room temperature for 2.5-hours before putting into the pans).
Place one of the different weight pieces into each pan and form to the pan by hand or you can sheet it out to the pan diameter and drop in into the pan. Cover and let rest for 1-hour, then reshape to fit the pan again, let rest for 30-minutes and take to the cooler for storage (at least 2-hours). Remove pans from the cooler and dress as a cheese pizza. Bake as normal and remove from pan immediately after baking. Allow to cool for about 10-minutes, and turn each pizza over and cut in half. Look at the crust thickness and decide which dough weight works best for you.
Now, divide the dough weight you liked best by the pan surface area (113). This will give you the dough loading factor. Lets say you liked the 14-ounce weight. 14 divided by 113 = 0.12389 is you dough loading factor. Said another way, for every square inch of pan area there was 0.12389-ounces of dough. So now you just calculate the surface area for the other sizes: 9-inch (31.4 X 20.25 = 63.585) 16-inch (3.14 X 64 = 200.96) To get the dough weights for these sizes all you do is multiply the surface area by the dough loading factor. 63.585 X 0.12389 = 7.87-ounces (8-ounces) and 200.96 X 0.12389 = 24.89-ounces (25-ounces). I know that appears to be a lot of math, but it is really pretty easy once you think about it.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Once you get the original math sorted out, you can use Excel or any other spreadsheet to automatically figure the other sizes. It makes adding a size or changing the dough load an absolute SNAP when all you gotta add is the diameter . . . or the dough weight for figuring new loads.
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You’re just a “smarty pants”. 🙂
Thanks for remembering to add that, I’m so used to doing the math (old school) that I always forget to add that you can use the Excel spread sheet to do the same thing.
Just for the records, I may have been the last person to give up my slide rule aka slip stick for a hand held calculator too. And I know for a fact that I was the last person here at AIB to give up my Royal typwriter. Do you remember what those were? For the uninformed, think of it as a manually operated combination PC and printer.
Thanks Nick,
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, I typed my High School senior research paper on an Underwood manual. I even remembering remarking in college that this “mouse” thing will never go anywhere . . . :lol:

My Excel bit is about lazy . . . I hate having to the the math over and over when I can type it out once and is self-perpetuates . . . . my 2nd greatest skill in life is reducing work repetition.
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Hi Tom
Thanks again for all your information, with using the calculation of Pi X Rsquared
will this take in to account for crust edge, on a thin crust?
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It will work the same, but you need ot run the same set of tests with smaller weights of dough on your 12" pie. Think 8, 10 & 12 ounces and see if one of them is what you want. Add that to the formula to get your dough load for the 12" thin pie . . . translate to the 9" and 16" pies. Or whatever sizes.

If you set up your spreadsheet/worksheet, you will just add the new-found dough weight into the formula, and it will spit out the weights need for 9" and 16".
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Whenever I find a recipe I like I copy into Word. In the same word document an Excel spreadsheet can be inserted. This allows me to print out the recipe and the modified ingredients at the same time.

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Yes it does.
In fact, you can also use it to calculate the correct amount of sauce and cheese to use on each size. Just replace the dough weight with the sauce or cheese weight.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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