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OK Think Tankers - Save The Date - Wholly Stromboli/PMQ Get Together


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As a kickoff to Daddio’s Colorado Tour, PMQ and Wholly Stromboli are teaming up to host an industry get together on July 15th at the (not so) secret Speakeasy at Wholly Stromboli on July 15th. We are located in Fort Lupton, CO which is just on the Northeastern outskirts of the Denver metro area.

Our speakeasy is below the restaurant and is fully equipped with flapper girls, a stage, sound, lights, bar, flapper girls, bathtub for bathtub gin, period antiques, flapper girls, and other historical elements, oh, and did we mention flapper girls?

Our tentative schedule looks like this:

4:00 to 5:00
Social hour with wine and appetizers

5:00 to 6:00/6:30
Dinner with wine, where the Speakeasy staff will take the liberty of showcasing our best and most unique entrees in a constant flow from the kitchen family style.

During this time we will have a comedian/magician perform (he is a hoot - you really should see him, he’s great)

6:30 to ??
Panel discussion on the Speakeasy stage where a small group of successful business men/women will discuss the state of the industry, trends, success stories, lessons learned, etc… This will be the focal point for the film crew and will be part of a larger documentary PMQ has already started filming.

During the panel discussion, we will have coffee, more wine, and desserts for everyone to enjoy. We will let the panel discussion and the ensuing social time continue until folks start to filter out (I’m guessing around 8pm, but who really knows) We may even all chime in and sing Happy Birthday to Bodegahwy if he’ll make the trip!

We are still ironing out some of the details so there will be more information forthcoming, but we just wanted to give everyone a heads up about the event.

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

Eric, Melissa, & the Wholly Stromboli Staff
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I am excited to have such a welcome back to the great state of Colorado. It has been 45 years since I moved away and 35 years since my last visit.

Eric and Melissa, thank you so much for hosting this event.
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@Missy PMQ can you add this to the Events calendar please?
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