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old girl vs new girl


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have one girl thats been with me 9 months she does great except she gets attitude when close to quitting time any calls in last 20 min she gets the tude i hoped she would be manager material but in the new store with the larger menu and more volume when the pressure is on she folds like a cheap lawn chair 😦 but never calls in sick and good person but attitude has been noticed by customers both in person and on phone. and this has been brought to my attention. hired new girl little older has 10 years exp. in pizza shop good solid worker manager type saves me bunch of money on portion control. keeps everything running smooth but cant get the 2 to mesh im afraid that if i talk to the 1st girl she will walk how can i approach this situation not looking forward to trainig new hire but cant keep the tude goin :?
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attitude has been noticed by customers both in person and on phone. and this has been brought to my attention.
This is a sign that you need to have a coaching session with her. Let her know which side the bread is buttered on and who provides the bread and butter. She is only hurting your business if you let the tude continue. Take her aside away from the other staff and explain your position and see what comes of it.

I have done this and had a complete change in attitude from the staff member. The responce was “Do I really do that? I guess that is not a good way to keep a job.”
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Letting her know that the customers have said something to you might be enough to get things straightened back out. If she is a good worker, then she probably has a little bit of pride in her work. Seeing how other people see her might just be all that is needed. Sometimes we just need a reminder.
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Would you rather her walk or stop giving your customers an attitude ??

Make it clear to BOTH girls what your standards are as far as portion control, dealing with customers, cleaning duties, phone orders, etc. Once it is clear to them what you’re looking for, let them know you’ll be enforcing these standards. If they do something that is below standard you: First time:Oral warning and review the standard. Encourage her to do things the ‘right’ way. Second time:Written warning and review the standard. Let her know you want her to be on your team, but she needs to follow the standard. Third time:Written warning or Termination.

“Meshing” comes from having a clear expectation for your employees and equally firm, but fair consequences when those expectations are not met.
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You should be frank with the girl that’s been with you 9 months and tell her of your concerns (or your customer’s).

People younger than me (I’m 33), are not the same as they were when I was their age…they are blunt and rude and don’t even realize it.

How do you expect her to learn if you go about in silence?

I would share the concerns in a positive light…letting her know that you are very proud of her hard work, but let her know this is an area of improvement to work on.

Say something like “I know it gets frustrating to get calls in the last 20 minutes of work, but please don’t let the customer see/hear that you’re tired…some of our best customers are those that call during that time”.

Also, is it possible to try her out in a “shift manager” position where another manager is over her on her watch, but she is kind of delegated the manager’s normal duties to see if she really would fold under pressure?
have one girl thats been with me 9 months she does great except she gets attitude when close to quitting time any calls in last 20 min she gets the tude i hoped she would be manager material but in the new store with the larger menu and more volume when the pressure is on she folds like a cheap lawn chair 😦 but never calls in sick and good person but attitude has been noticed by customers both in person and on phone. and this has been brought to my attention. hired new girl little older has 10 years exp. in pizza shop good solid worker manager type saves me bunch of money on portion control. keeps everything running smooth but cant get the 2 to mesh im afraid that if i talk to the 1st girl she will walk how can i approach this situation not looking forward to trainig new hire but cant keep the tude goin :?
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completely agree with Daddio - doing nothing here will lose you the new girl who’s doing a great job for you - someone with a great attitude will not stick around very long having to work with someone who has a poor attitude.

Remember, YOU are the one who needs to set the standards for everyone in your store … if those standards begin to slip, it’s less the employee’s fault than it is your own; if you start letting things slide, you are in effect lowering the standards you’ve set for your staff. They WILL notice that and perform accordingly. Trust me, I speak from experience - it’s way too easy to get lazy about this, but you’re doing yourself no favors in the long run.
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It is a great sign of respect to offer an employee feedback, both positive and negative. Avoiding confrontation with an under-performing employee (or any person) is a message that they are not mature or strong enough to endure hearing what you have to say. You need to know sooner than later if a valuable labor asset is receptive to direction and coaching. I have found that no matter how much work they do and how well they do it, employees who do not accept direction and perform to standards are problems waiting to happen.
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I agree with all of those above, and would add that you should explain to girl 1 about plans you have had for her and why it is important that she understands where the money comes from. We don’t really pay our employees, the customers do. We are just middlemen. We all need to take that money whenever we can, even at 30 seconds before close, and with a smile.
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I have found that no matter how much work they do and how well they do it, employees who do not accept direction and perform to standards are problems waiting to happen.
Bada Boom Bada Bing…I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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You have a person who you feel is management material and another person who does a good job (but isn’t management material) until the last 20 mins of business…

Seriously, this is a question on which to choose?

Some people just don’t mesh and when that happens, you have to determine which one is more worth keeping. On paper, new girl wins hands down.
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