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Old Mixer Part II

Finding a replacement bowl for a Century mixer that old would be a stroke of nothing less than pure luck, old mixers and bowls are scrapped and turned into something else so they’re not exactly sitting around in someone’s back room…but you already know that. So, where to go from here? It appears that you have a bowl for the mixer, with that in hand I’d see if I could match it up with an existing bowl from a newer mixer like Hobart, Thunderbird, etc. If you can find a bowl with the same profile the attachment ears can be ground off and new ones made using your old ones as a template. If you can find a bowl that looks like a likely candidate for replacement the next thing to do is to make a cast of the inside of your existing bowl (apply release agent to the inside of your bowl, then make a simple fiberglass shell impression of the inside of the bowl, when cured remove from the bowl and see if it will fit the candidate bowl, if it does, you’re home free, if not, good luck searching some more.
Maybe George Mills can add something too, I think George knows where the final resting site for such old things might be, the only problem with finding an original bowl is that it might not be in any better condition than yours.
One final thought: What’s wrong with the bowl that you have? If it’s just all dented up on the bottom (very common) you can “dolly” the dents out or take it to an auto body repair man and ask him to do it for you, if it’s cracked or split it can be welded, and if it needs to be re-tinned (many times the case) that’s possible too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks so much for the detailed reply. Our problem with the bowl is that it was rough at the bottom inside and the health department wanted it fixed. We sent it out to re-tin and the company said the metal was too thin to repair after they had dipped it in the acid to clean it up. It resulted in holes in the bottom and down to a very rough surface.

They looked for another bowl in their inventory to try to line one up the same with no luck. In all honesty, it’ll probably be time for a new one.

What are your impressions on a Hobart HL662? We typical use cold water dough now (mostly due to the mixer we have now with the J hook will climb if it’s too warm.

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The Hobart Legacy is a great mixer and should serve you well. You will REALLY like the reverse spiral dough arm over that old “J” hook. When you hook it up to the power supply just make sure the agitator is turning in the correct direction. Sounds silly, I know, but this is something I encounter every year.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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On replacing the old bowl, if that is still a though anymore, there are auto body shops who can take your old bowl and re-line the interior with stainless steel and sculpt the interior to essentially form a new bowl. It would be ugly and likely expensive, but …
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are you anywhere near Cleveland oh? I seen an ad on craigslist a while back where somebody had paddles and bowls for mixers (larger inventory) maybe worth a check and see.
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I’m in Pittsburgh so it is within 2 hours. I’ll check it out! Thanks!

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