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Online Order Companys

I have been contacted by Click4Meal to be a service provider to us for online ordering. We have only been open for two months and I am not sure that we should commit to an online service this soon. Has anyone dealt with this company before? It seems like a good idea, but we do not have a POS system yet and I am not sure it would be compatible. They would just send a file that prints out on our printer whenever we get an order. We are currently just carryout service with plans for delivery in the next few months. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.

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If you choose “Point Of Success” they already have an interface for “Big Holler” available.

I have not even considered online ordering, so I do not know it’s limitations or suitability.

I would look at getting a POS system together first, and running for a few months on that before getting into online ordering.
And of course along with many here, I suggest “Point of Success” gets considered.
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While I use online ordering provided by my POS provider, some of the stores in our chain are using online ordering from Mailshark with very good success. While I was very much against online ordering just a few years ago, I now realize it’s importance. It makes up nearly 15% of my sales and the ticket averages are quite a bit higher. It has given me thousands of email addresses to market to. Most importantly, some people will not consider ordering over the phone anymore and without the online ordering, they would not consider ordering from me. Go ahead and find a online order provider, but realize that prices vary widely. I would steer clear from a provider that charges a % of sales as my cost is well under 1% of the total of online orders.
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Forget any place that wants % of sales. Get a POS that offers online like Prism that we use or some other that you can get references from uses (This board is a great place to ask) It cost us about $500 to set up and $100 per year. As pointed out above, not even close to 1% of sales.

We are also about 12-15% online orders. Our average online is a little less than our overall average. During our off season when it is only locals (we are a tourist resort market) our online sales are closer to 25% of the sales.
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$395 one time fee and no monthly charges – wow!

I use Foodtec and spend anywhere between $180 - $240 dollars per month for online ordering - It is based on my sales volume. My last 2 months were both over $240 per month in fees.

System has been in place for many years but time to review other options for my business – My manager is doing demo with grandbury and retention next week to see what they can offer for both pos and online ordering. I’ll have his comments posted on pricing and pros and cons for both. I have also asked him to contact a point of success reseller to see demo and online ordering prices as many people use this option here.

I read a pos review on the think tank from the past but have not seen anything current that would help the selection process. Anybody have any type of product comparison for different option?
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I too use Foodtec @ 3% of sales also (monthly online ordering fees average $400/month) and although I would love to pay less is it comparing apples to apples? Are these other guys integrated like Foodtec? Seems that it would be alot to change POS just to save with online ordering. Do you have other issues with Foodtec because I think their system is awesome.
$395 one time fee and no monthly charges – wow!
I use Foodtec and spend anywhere between $180 - $240 dollars per month for online ordering - It is based on my sales volume. My last 2 months were both over $240 per month in fees.
System has been in place for many years but time to review other options for my business – My manager is doing demo with grandbury and retention next week to see what they can offer for both pos and online ordering. I’ll have his comments posted on pricing and pros and cons for both. I have also asked him to contact a point of success reseller to see demo and online ordering prices as many people use this option here.I read a pos review on the think tank from the past but have not seen anything current that would help the selection process. Anybody have any type of product comparison for different option?
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Not many problems with foodtec other than several system crashes per year – they usually can get it going within a couple of days, but this last time they charged me over $6000 because of a failed pc. I felt that this was a little inflated but I don’t know anything to compare to.

Lucky for me my manager is really good with computers and has configured foodtec for me for more than 5 years – He is actually excited to see what if anything is better in the industry. We’ve had this product for many years and have not seen anything else – Who knows what we might find

I’m sure all of these companies say they are the best but we want to see it for our self and talk to people who have experience with many companies. I wish there was some sort of buyers guide for this stuff

Famousperry – how long have you had foodtec and have you used any other computer system in the past?

does anyone else have experience with other computer systems used? I’ve heard about 5 different companies in this forum so far – are there more and if so what do they like about the systems?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I just want to make the right decision
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We have had Foodtec for approx 5yrs and have been very happy. Prior to that we chose Restaurant Manager over Foodtec and that was a BIG mistake. Technology was not even close and the price was almost as much but they were local and since this was our first POS about 9yrs ago we were naive. We have had terminals go bad but a new one ran about $1K and a hard drive was only a $200…$6K seems way off…must have had to upgrade your hardware. I have 5 terminals and 1 bump screen and never had anything that big. As far as crashes you should be able to call support and they will have you up and running in minutes…do you have enterprise support? I wish it was cheaper, but they deliver and their support is top notch.
Not many problems with foodtec other than several system crashes per year – they usually can get it going within a couple of days, but this last time they charged me over $6000 because of a failed pc. I felt that this was a little inflated but I don’t know anything to compare to.

Lucky for me my manager is really good with computers and has configured foodtec for me for more than 5 years – He is actually excited to see what if anything is better in the industry. We’ve had this product for many years and have not seen anything else – Who knows what we might find

Famousperry – how long have you had foodtec and have you used any other computer system in the past?

does anyone else have experience with other computer systems used? I’ve heard about 5 different companies in this forum so far – are there more and if so what do they like about the systems?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I just want to make the right decision
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This is exactly why I started the other topic Cloud POS and Cloud Accounting. I think it is crazy for us to spend so much and still have to run the server hardware in house and do backups to something that could get stolen or damaged irreparably. I use Point of S. but I am ready to look else where before just upgrading and adding more modules. A lot of disruptive technology is coming online and I think it would be wise to look around. I guess the big guys can just have a custom/ proprietary solution. There is a local solution to us but I can not trust them with my data. SO I would like to see a solution that runs in Googles ecosystem. The pizza POS needs Caller ID attached to a customer data base and some fancy ordering screens… am I missing anything? Also throw in back office/ inventory. Ideally VOIP compatibility so our telephone numbers are fully expandable and portable.

I personally would like to grow my business. So scalability is going to be really important as is remote collaboration and governance.

Off topic: Today is Orthodox Easter… Christ is risen indeed.
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Update – My manager went back and forth with these companies and narrowed it down to retention and a product called firefly – Have not heard of it but the company we were speaking with now sells it instead of diamond touch. I have called the references for both companies and they gave good review but I sure they always do!

Both companies are offering financing for everything including the online ordering and all new software and equipment for around $400 per month. This is close to what I will be paying foodtec for online ordering alone so this seems like a good deal! My manager says the retention system is easier to order and configure but both have some good features. He gave me an earful regarding online ordering and credit card requirements called pci – don’t really understand what this means but he should me a website that showed that many companies that are used do not meet the requirements to take credit cards through the website. It seems to get even more confusing the more we dig in. My foodtec online ordering system is hosted at my store which these companies say is not good because of security measures that I have to go through because I control the website in my location. No one has ever told me this so I even more confused! Anybody heard of the credit card pci?. Anybody here use these products?

Pete44 thanks for the info but the online examples look really poor and we could not even figure out how remove toppings and just seemed hard to use. Im sure it works for some but we need more than this because our customers do not seem to be good with computers.

I’m going to make my decision by this Friday so any more help is appreciated!
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PCI compliance is about the most important aspect when it comes to an online ordering system. Why?
How about this… If you accept credit cards for payment, whether it be on line or in store, and your system is NOT PCI compliant, subsequently a “breach” occurs and your customers card numbers are used/accessed fraudulently, YOU THE MERCHANT will be held liable by the credit card company for ALL costs involved.
Not just the fraudulent charges, ALL COSTS INVOLVED…
To accept c cards in a non pci compliant system is a gamble that I can not afford. Maybe you have very deep pockets and can absorb a few hundred thousand dollar hit?
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I hate to get into a thread that has been hijacked, but… I would be careful with both you mentioned. We dumped firefly because of PCI issues and unresponsive tech support. It’s a good system with poor support. And my honest opinion wether it be for online ordering or a POS, you are buying stability and support. All the systems have their pluses and minuses, but when you have a server crash on a Friday afternoon, how is that handled. Nothing like scrambling to buy notepads to take orders on because tech support can’t/won’t help.
Long story short, ask lots of questions and don’t believe a sales pitch, wether it is online ordering or a POS.

And back on topic. We use Brygid. Lack of integration with our POS has been our issue. Their support is great , if something doesn’t go through their support will phone or fax the order in. The customer is never inconvenienced with it. I pay a little more than I did with HungerRush. We were at 15% of sales with Brygid, Dropped to 5-8% with HR. Switched back to Brygid and are at 22%+ online orders.
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I have gone through 3 different OLO companies in the past. I settled on RTO (real time ordering). They charge a flat rate for sending it to your computer or a lesser flat rate amt. for faxing it if you don’t have a POS.
They are integrated with Speedline and will call you to be sure you received the order if it did not transmit.
My monthly charge is only $110. and you have full control over what you sell, the amount etc. through their webportal. Easy to use and change as needed.
I have experienced great customer service with them.

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PCI compliance is about the most important aspect when it comes to an online ordering system. Why?
How about this… If you accept credit cards for payment, whether it be on line or in store, and your system is NOT PCI compliant, subsequently a “breach” occurs and your customers card numbers are used/accessed fraudulently, YOU THE MERCHANT will be held liable by the credit card company for ALL costs involved.
Not just the fraudulent charges, ALL COSTS INVOLVED…
To accept c cards in a non pci compliant system is a gamble that I can not afford. Maybe you have very deep pockets and can absorb a few hundred thousand dollar hit?
You are liable for all costs, being sued, etc., - PCI compliant or not PCI complaint.

Being PCI compliant doesn’t change your liabilities due to a breach.
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I don’t get it. In today’s world:
  1. Why would anyone use an online ordering system that did not intergrate seamlessly with the POS they use?
  2. Why would anyone use a POS that did not offer an online solution?
I understand that in some cases, the bed is made and you have your POS and are locked in, but if you are shopping for POS, I would not consider one that did not offer online. That channel is only growing. There are and will be more customers that will not look at a business that does not offer it.

If you have a cheap POS that does not offer online ordering and are looking to find an online solution, it may be time to upgrade your POS.

Regarding PCI compliance, check with your insurance company. It should be covered under your general business liability.
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I agree about the pci liabilities are your responsibility regardless of the company you select. The company we went with sent a link to check and see if you online ordering company is pci and stated that less than 5% of all online companies are compliant. kind of scary when you get this info because every company we spoke with said they were pci!

I saw a few names but many were missing so check for yourself to see

Thanks for everyone for the comments – we selected our new company for pos and online ordering and have the setup scheduled in 3 weeks. I advise everyone to get references and dig into the companies demo to see how they all compare. Also one thing we got to do was talk to references who had used several products – 1 reference was about 45 minutes away and we actually went and saw it in action – really helped make our decision.
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BostonPizzaGuy: Not that I can say I really understand this stuff but I did forward your response to the rep who sent me the link. This is all foreign to me, but he sent this in an email:

“The requirements for a POS system running at a restaurant locations are under the PA-DSS which is the link for … ations.php You might notice that you will not see any online ordering (only) companies on this list because it is only showing local applications that accept credit cards - The rules and requirements are completely different for websites that allows public access (online ordering). Notice the link above only shows companies as PA-DSS certified. This is not the requirement for a website that accept credit cards and are open to anyone on the internet. Many online ordering providers do not understand their own business requirements which puts their customers at great risk

The requirement for online ordering is PCI-DSS and if the company does more than 300,000 transactions for all customers per year, then they are required to be approved by Visa as a Level 1 Provider. This requirement includes annual onsite verification for the Online Ordering Provider and intrusion scans every 3 months. Most online ordering companies process more than 300,000 total transactions per year so they are required to be Level 1 PCI-DSS Compliant. Ask your provider for proof that they are Level 1 PCI-DSS compliant. Most companies who spend the money to maintain the proper security will submit their listing to Visa because they want their customers to feel protected – It would be like going to college and not getting your diploma – why wouldn’t you?”

Sorry as Im not trying to beat a dead subject – I’ve learned a lot from reading these boards and it seems that this information is not clear regarding this online pci stuff. The best thing to do is try to learn what is required so you limit any types of pci breach due to a online company who doesn’t know or care about their duties.

Thanks again for everyones help
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