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Online ordering is it worth it


New member
I have been wondering what most are paying per month per month We were paying 49 then it went to 59 and now I hear they are raising it to 79 when in our industry we cant raise our prices by 20 percent then with in 2 years do a 30 percent increase but these computer companies once their system is installed get us by the you know what. Between tech support online ordering fee and internet service when do you say enough
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I absolutely saw this coming, that is why I have my own site that no one else controls or own.
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We were paying 49 then it went to 59 and now I hear they are raising it to 79
Revention/HungerRush eh? 😛

Well, I always thought the $49 was too low - especially when others were still charging a percentage of sales. $79 is reasonable - given the fact that it is integrated. Where does it end? I don’t know, but there will be some tipping point - but Revention will just say “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” when you decide enough is enough.
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Online for us has grown to be 12% off all sales. ’

Orders that come in online do not require a phone person to deal with them.

We get email address from these customers as a part of the order process allowing us to contact them directly for free from that point forward.

Labor savings from not answering the phone.
Marketing savings from email campaigns…

Don’t think small. $100 month for this is a bargain.
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Our online sales are at 10% (both volume and $)
Cost for online is 6% of order value
Our POS company set it up and manage payment (and risk) etc. At the end of each week they pay into our account the weekly orders value minus 6%. I think this is good value as payment for online is by credit card and we pay around 2.5% for credit card transactions so 6% all up is OK by me.
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Orders that come in online do not require a phone person to deal with them.

We get email address from these customers as a part of the order process allowing us to contact them directly for free from that point forward.

Labor savings from not answering the phone.
Marketing savings from email campaigns…

I AGREE, but I think if you take the money that you will spend over the course of one year and invest that into an online ordering presence then you control it. You ultimately are responsible for changes and cost but since our system has been in place, I may have had a few changes but nothing drastic.

My system does the same as most, and maybe even a little more when it comes to building a pizza, it captures email address places them in my constant contact file. It am working on a suggest sale pop up and and coupons special page.

But the answer to your original question is YES, you need an online presence. If you are stuck with them it pays to have them or someone!
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Further to your question “is it worth it”, the same was probably asked when websites started to become important.
Many asked should I have a website? Now it is if you haven’t got a website you missing out on business opportunities. Customers expect businesses to have websites and they are now expecting businesses to have online ordering. Food places without online ordering is like a business without a website.
The cost is an investment in the growth of your business
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I agree 6 percent is not a bad deal. but its not a great deal either our total costs for online ordering come to about 1 percent. adding credit card processing to that takes it to about 4 percent.
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I agree 6 percent is not a bad deal. but its not a great deal either are total costs for online ordering come to about 1 percent. adding credit card processing to that takes it to about 4 percent.
I agree Steve, but they do everything for us. Set up the system, manage the orders and payment, wear the costs of dud deals, maintain the system, free upgrade of menu, addresses etc etc, and of course a brilliant free helpline that fixes any problems immediately. They are also hosts of our POS at a really good price. I’m not that savvy to do it or have the time.
At 6% I’m happy with the deal and the work they save me. The 2% saving would be nice and this is something we would look at negotiating for when our volume hits around the 20% sales level.
As I said in a previous post if you haven’t got online ordering it’s like not having a website. Customers are expecting it more and more. At a 6% cost for running the site and having the exposure it’s an investment in the business.
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“they do everything for us. Set up the system, manage the orders and payment, wear the costs of dud deals, maintain the system, free upgrade of menu, addresses etc etc, and of course a brilliant free helpline that fixes any problems immediately. They are also hosts of our POS at a really good price”

Ours does all that too except they do not eat the cost of bad orders.

Not sure what “hosts of our POS at a really good price” means though.
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