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Online Ordering Prices.


Staff member
I am in the middle of a price change and for laughs and giggles decided to check out the competition on line. I discovered many online ordering sites require you to input your information before you can see the prices of their products. There is a note saying Prices available when ordering.

Are any of you doing this?
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It sounds like you may be eating a lot of bad pizza in the near future if you want to get that information 😃
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LOL! Got an app for that? 😛

Sorry Daddio…not wanting to hijack the thread…but my 3 yo asked me the other day if my phone was an I-phone. I said no…and she replied… “then you don’t have an app for that do you?” WTF! 3 year olds! :roll:

Just to touch your question… I ordered some takeout chinese the other night and it did the same thing. Listed no prices and after I entered my info but before the credit card entry…it then posted a total cost for me. I was a bit surprised by this. I would think it would put people off by not knowing how much they have spent…might not order that extra item without knowing a total… I think sales would hurt by this.
I just see this as one more way to frustrate your potential customers. You would be amazed at the number of people that come in with a menu they printed from the web page. They have the pizzas they want circled on it and know what they will be paying for their order.

I think that by requiring the potential customer to register first they may be pushing it a bit.
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Both my online ordering site and the college one we accept orders from allow anyone to browse prices and offerings without registering first.
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Were these some of the big chains you were looking at? If so, they use the Wal-Mart philosophy where prices are based on how much of the competition they’ve destroyed by selling at a loss for a couple years upon entering the market.

Last spring, I put together a flyer that compared our prices to all of our chain competitors (terrible idea, by the way), couldn’t get a price online for PH, so I called and asked about the price of a large supreme and the young woman said “that depends on your location, can I get your phone number and address?”.
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