online ordering


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Looking for online/mobile ordering for my pizzeria. One that will allow me to only take prepaid orders so I’m not stuck with phony orders.
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Do you have a POS System that you want to integrate the online ordering with, or are you just looking for a standalone Online Ordering Solution?
I share the same opinion of Patriots Pizza, fake online orders are very rare.
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Do you have a POS System that you want to integrate the online ordering with, or are you just looking for a standalone Online Ordering Solution?
I share the same opinion of Patriots Pizza, fake online orders are very rare.
Hi, I use point of success currently but iv heard horror stories about big holler. So stand alone would probably be best?
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I am a Point of Success dealer, we have quite a few customers using big holler (roughly 10) and they are all very happy. Its worth a shot in my opinion and Big Holler and Point of Success are running a special this month.
I think I saw in an ad I received that big holler didn’t charge the $80 until you’ve reached $800 in online sales?
Is that correct.?
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Sorry for the late reply, the 0 charge until 800.00 does not apply to Point of Success integration. POS Integration costs 80.00 per month or 820.00 per year.


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I would recommend any option that you can integrate with your POS. It will make your life a lot easier, save you and your employees time. I estimate that we saved 4.5 hours of labor last week (using a low estimate of 2 minutes inputting each order) versus our old system where we had to manually input each order as it came in. This will make you want to market & push your online ordering extensively, especially because online orders will have a higher ticket average than phone orders.
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for whatever reason, big holler has had some nay sayers, but I’ve used them and have had nothing but great success…you may have to rethink how you may do some things, but the end result will be the same…

some fuss that the way they do certain things is difficult with BH, but talk to them & together you can figure it out…

BH is quite customizable, given some forethought, and the coupon options are unlimited…

it may not be as easy as making a cheese pizza, but it just works…
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it may not be as easy as making a cheese pizza, but it just works…
I think to many people get set in the “old” way of doing things, and forget that the old way came about because of X. Where X was the only way of doing things at the time. I know from time to time i had to step back and ask myself, why did we do this that way. Then look at it again, specially when training new people and “gasp” once in a while, one asks, Why ?
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I cant afford monthly fees monthly due to currency (MYR), we are developing a solution to integrate with AmigoPOS, if you are interested, we can take a look once we are done with AmiGO POS.

At present online order and mobile apps order going to run isolated but we have plan to interface to AmigoPOS via web order channel.
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Looking for online/mobile ordering for my pizzeria. One that will allow me to only take prepaid orders so I’m not stuck with phony orders.
I work for a company centered around commission-free restaurant online and mobile ordering. We also handle SEO, SMM, coupons, and branded promotional materials to get your online ordering campaign off the ground. We have a free POS system we’ll be launching within the next couple weeks that will integrate with all online and mobile orders.

Let’s touch base when you have some time, I can answer any questions and see if we have a solution that fits your needs.
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Free POS system? How does that work?
The ones I came across, they give you the system and POS program itself in exchange for being your credit card processor. Could be a good deal under certain circumstances but didn’t work for us.
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Hey @Home Town Pizza, why didn’t it work out?
For one, it was the same reason most systems didn’t work out. Our shop is also a carryout. We carry between 1,500 and 2,000 items in our inventory between the carryout and the restaurant and it all goes through the same register. Most people told us they couldn’t handle that many items. It’s pretty much the norm for people to pick up a pizza, a gallon of milk, a bag of chips and a case of beer. So having a separate register for “pizza” and “grocery” doesn’t sound appealing to us or, I imagine, to our customers. We’re in a rural area so our situation is far different than most. Secondly, we already use Mercury and have been very happy with them. Not only at this place, but we also own another carryout with an ATM. All through Mercury. It really wasn’t worth the hassle of switching over or having two separate providers for our two stores.

I settled on Point of Success. They can handle our inventory and their preferred provider is Mercury so that should all be seamless. I already own almost all of the equipment I’ll need (I really liked Revel too, but I would have to buy all new equipment) and what I have to buy isn’t going to be that expensive in the grand scheme of things. Another big thing is I had a track record to go on with Point of Success. I’ve heard great things about it, and about William in particular who is the one taking care of us. I hate to hold that against someone new because there can’t be any raving success stories until someone tries them out. But all the stars aligned and kept pointing back to Point of Success.

However, if I was starting from hand written tickets and only accepting cash/check, and I wasn’t comfortable putting my own computer components together, I could see a company like that being a really good fit. (Assuming they don’t gouge on fees. I never looked that closely into it.) It just wasn’t right for us.
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I work for a company centered around commission-free restaurant online and mobile ordering. We also handle SEO, SMM, coupons, and branded promotional materials to get your online ordering campaign off the ground. We have a free POS system we’ll be launching within the next couple weeks that will integrate with all online and mobile orders.

Let’s touch base when you have some time, I can answer any questions and see if we have a solution that fits your needs.
More details Zach.
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Just saw this topic, and thought I would respond. We offer a customizable integrated POS online ordering solution. We also offer a non-integrated version, too.
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More details Zach.
When it comes to online ordering we can build a couple different things; I generally recommend using a branded order site as the official website as it streamlines the order site. Reason being is that click through rates and customer orders are inversely related. If merchants are attached a currently existing website, we can link the order sites through that. I addition to the online ordering, included in all packages are fully branded mobile apps for iOS and Android.

We manage social media outlets including FB and TW as they most drastically effect search engine results as well as their business applications. Regular postings including images that promote menu items and specials as well as online or mobile ordering.

Re SEO, there are literally thousands of listing-sites available, but 95% of people do not search beyond the 1st SERP; for that reason we’ve determined what we consider the top 6-8 listings to target. So on the offensive - the primary goal is to have the proper domain listed on all these so that internet traffic is all driven through a commission-free ordering source. On a defensive, we scan the SERP’s looking for 3rd-party masked domains which, from a customer’s perspective, look like the official website. Unannounced to them, they place an order through a commission-based site thinking that it’s directly through the merchant, hurting the merchant’s bottom line. Again the goal here is to have a clearly broadcasted presentation to the customer of the merchant’s branded order site that does not hurt overall profit.

RE the POS. It is an iOS based software currently available through the iTunes store and will run on any iPad generation 2+
As @Home Town Pizza mentioned, we are the processor. Trans. rates are a flat 2.75% no fee and depo is next day. Features of the POS include full integration with the online ordering, kitchen and receipt printing, shift/cashbox management, and split checks or payments plus others that I could elaborate on further with you personally.

In addition, merchants have complete access to their online store manager. Merchants can update and revise their entire product catalog, structure of the end-user view, orders and billing transactions for both online and POS, coupon management, store settings, and email campaigns that databased on all digitally taken orders. For the comprehensiveness of the system it is fairly intuitive and easy to use. We include video training modules as well as 24 hr. support.

If you at all interested in further details of our programs, feel free to contact me directly.
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