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Online Ordering


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We recently added online ordering about 6-8 weeks ago. The response so far has been way way way under were I was expecting to see it and I felt like I set up really low expectations for how many orders we would get from it to begin with. This week we have only gotten 9 online orders out of about 800 total orders for the week. So I am curious how other peoples experiences with online ordering were when they first started the service, did it start slow? If so how is it now?
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We recently added online ordering about 6-8 weeks ago. The response so far has been way way way under were I was expecting to see it and I felt like I set up really low expectations for how many orders we would get from it to begin with. This week we have only gotten 9 online orders out of about 800 total orders for the week. So I am curious how other peoples experiences with online ordering were when they first started the service, did it start slow? If so how is it now?
Slow at first. Put out box toppers to your current customers. We saw the biggest increase when we sent out new menus that very boldly showed on the main page “Order Online” and placed the website underneath.

We put it out on Social media at first as well.

We started with about 50 a week, now have about 200 a week at one location out of about 1000 orders

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We recently added online ordering about 6-8 weeks ago. The response so far has been way way way under were I was expecting to see it and I felt like I set up really low expectations for how many orders we would get from it to begin with. This week we have only gotten 9 online orders out of about 800 total orders for the week. So I am curious how other peoples experiences with online ordering were when they first started the service, did it start slow? If so how is it now?
I started online ordering in December 2007.

It took about 3 months to start getting it going .

I have no doubt your olo sales will increase with time, the question is , what is your expense with it? If your at a flat fee per month, sit back and let it fly. If your at a per order fee % , ditch it and get a flat fee. I’m suffering now from this.

Also, is your site user friendly and mobile friendly? This is important As customers might ditch it if it’s difficult. I had many in the beginning who couldn’t understand it.

My online ordering is at 21-25% now. Never thought it would get this high

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RobT - We are using BigHoller integrated with Point Of success. It is a flat monthly fee. I’m hoping to hit 25%, that would be the ideal goal.
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RobT - We are using BigHoller integrated with Point Of success. It is a flat monthly fee. I’m hoping to hit 25%, that would be the ideal goal.
Sit back, gotta be patient.

All marketing pieces should have : order online with web address

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We always run more aggressive promotions/coupons on our flyers and menus for online ordering (i.e. FREE X or x% off your order ONLINE ONLY). Make them do the work to get the better deal. Online orders have a higher ticket average and no labor to take the order, so I am happy to discount it more to get that online order. By orders we were 25% online last month. 33.3% of sales though!
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Ours are at 25-30% depending on the location. I need them to be above 50% in the next 4 years. I can tell you that the extra deal to order online does work. I did it 3 years ago when we were at 10% and we went to 20% in a matter of of few months.
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We started with a $10 discount for ordering online. I found that we needed to run some business through the system to really figure out what was smooth and what was not or what the customer was not figuring out. It took us a couple of months to get to 200 users. We continue to make offers that are only available online and which are promoted with the email list we built from online ordering.
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I’ve been offering online ordering for 7 years and am now pretty consistent in the 25% range. I keeps going up each year. We started slow but had no website prior to adding online ordering. Our website quickly moved to the first page of most searches of pizza in our area and the online ordering started picking up. Be patient, advertise the website and make sure your online ordering link is very prevalent on your home page.
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We recently added online ordering about 6-8 weeks ago. The response so far has been way way way under were I was expecting to see it and I felt like I set up really low expectations for how many orders we would get from it to begin with. This week we have only gotten 9 online orders out of about 800 total orders for the week. So I am curious how other peoples experiences with online ordering were when they first started the service, did it start slow? If so how is it now?
That is my fear… that online ordering wouldn’t bring in any extra business… or new business. We are small mom & pop pizza place- and I’m wondering maybe that’s way- our customers are regulars- maybe it’s the area we’re in…
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That is my fear… that online ordering wouldn’t bring in any extra business… or new business. We are small mom & pop pizza place- and I’m wondering maybe that’s way- our customers are regulars- maybe it’s the area we’re in…
I thought this years ago. I was dead wrong.

I have so many customers that will only order online. I remember my first online order. $60 and it was a new customer. She stayed with us for years then moved.

With everything online now , your crazy not to have it.
If your in rural area with bad cell reception, maybe not , but there are still people at home that have computers.
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That is my fear… that online ordering wouldn’t bring in any extra business… or new business. We are small mom & pop pizza place- and I’m wondering maybe that’s way- our customers are regulars- maybe it’s the area we’re in…
I know carpentersville its not that far away from us…check out your competition…if they use online ordering you are behind the curve.
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