Online Ordering


New member
I have point of success in couple of stores in micros in one. I see Point of success recommends Big Holler. Any pros or cons, or other online ordering companies I should look at?
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We use Brygid. They call us with the order if, for some reason, they can’t reach our POS so we never lose an order

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
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We use Brygid. They call us with the order if, for some reason, they can’t reach our POS so we never lose an order

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
Steve, do you have Point of Success as well?
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Big Holler is currently the only online ordering that directly interfaces with Point of Success. They also are capable of alerting you if an order was not able to be sent. If you have any more questions about the interface please feel free to message me.
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