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Online Orders...Do the demographics of a community matter?


New member

I am interested in settting up my shop with on-line ordering, especially because I believe it is going to be bigger and better as time marches on. My question right now is this:

Do the demographics of a community make a difference when it comes to the amount of on-line orders a shop recieves.

I live in a town of about 30,000 that is on the outskirts of a city of 100k. The people are predominantly working class. The main industrys are farming and industrial type jobs.

I am not certain of this but I think on-line ordering might be more popular in the more metro/ fast paced/ modern cities and college towns. I hope I’m wrong. I’d like to know, from those of you taking on-line orders, what type of community are you in and how much of your business is accounted for by on-line orders???

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Re: Online Orders…Do the demographics of a community matte

I’ve got it going in 5 locations right now. Suburbs of the big city, but surpisingly, the more working-class cities seem to be the better areas for online orders. I think the same might end up being true for rural (I’ll find out soon enough). I think reason would say that working-class might not go out as much, and find more time to be online. Also, my thinking is that small towns, with not a lot to do, will see the same. A good way to see how many people are online in your area is to search Facebook or Myspace for your town and see how many people are signed up. I wouldn’t say it’s foolproof, but it’s a similar demographic.
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Re: Online Orders…Do the demographics of a community matte
I am not certain of this but I think on-line ordering might be more popular in the more metro/ fast paced/ modern cities and college towns.
I tend to agree with this but still, why not get online ordering?

Its cheap to do.
Ticket averages are higher.
Its the wave of the future.
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Re: Online Orders…Do the demographics of a community matte

I agree with the ticket average. I have seen an average of 27% increase in ticket average over phone-in/walk-in orders.
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Re: Online Orders…Do the demographics of a community matte

This is slightly off topic…Does anyone have any information as to how much the average ticket increases when you have a POS system?..I have a theory that suggestive selling becomes easier if you have previous order history at hand…Therefore, your average check increases…
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