Online orders


New member
Ok who does everyone use for online orders and how much does it cost? I am thinking I should look at doing it. Also, how does it work? Thanks for the info

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Ok who does everyone use for online orders and how much does it cost? I am thinking I should look at doing it. Also, how does it work? Thanks for the info

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You’re first step should be looking into what OLO companies integrate with your POS. We use Brygid for Online Ordering. Very happy with them

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Ok who does everyone use for online orders and how much does it cost? I am thinking I should look at doing it. Also, how does it work? Thanks for the info

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Do you have a POS system? If so contact them to see of it is offered in house.
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I use Big holler. 80 bucks a month. That includes building the menu and any changes. Like others said, you should probably check with your POS, because you defiantly want it integrated.
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Yep, the above 3 have it right. When you get only a few online orders it is ok to not be integrated. But when you are over 25%…it would be more hassle than it is worth, plus the mistakes that can happen when your crew inputs the order wrong
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