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opening a pizza place


New member

I’m new to this site and i don’t really know what to do yet, i’m not sure if i’m suppose to post this here, well here goes…

I have a place in Malta Europe just opened about 6 months ago, and i am turning it into a pizza place as it is not doing so well as a bar, its called Rock Vegas , i would like to make American Pizza to be different from all the others, as Malta is so close to Italy ( 60 miles away ) most of the places here make Italian style pizza. we do have Tex Mex and Pizza Hut here. in fact the Tex Mex owner is a friend of mine and he offered to show me how to make his pizza dough, but i want to be different, any ideas???. I need this place to Succeed :?

Have you any suggestion on what i should use??? I might also alter it a bit by adding some wine in exchange for part of the water, or maybe you know one that is made by part wine, i heard it turns out good with wine, but never tried myself

Maybe also how to make a good sauce and what make of cheese i should use…

The decor of my place is great everybody likes it, its like you are in a nice alley with all the old stone work, balcony, doors and windows, very cozy and different. It even has a 60 foot garden with a nice terrace overlooking. it seemed to have attracted the kind of customers that are a bit :x and i want couples and nice people to come to my place not the ones that would like to take over the place. i do control them when i’m there but these kind of people if you dont let them do what they want they just stop coming, which i dont mind if they were replaced with good ones.

Hope you could introduce me to some of the members that might be of some help to me and Thanking you in advance for your advice.
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A suggestion to think about from an American consumer perspective: Don’t call it American style.

In the US, that’s what Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, and Domino’s make. It’s a white flour based, airy, soft crust, and it tends to have a large “border” without toppings or sauce around the edge–for added cheapness, I guess. Any self-respecting pizza aficionado avoids those places, as they tend to be, well, not so good considering other available choices in any given area.

Maybe narrow it down to either New York or Chicago style. They’re the two main pizza “capitols” of the US, and I trust that both are well-known enough as American cities that it would automatically differentiate your pizza from the Italian joints.

Each of those two regions has its trademarks. The differences go well beyond the common “New York: thin, Chicago: thick” theme. Research your pizzas well and you’ll find out how inaccurate that statement can be.

Come up with a nice NY or Chicago dough recipe, then perfect your sauce flavor. A unique, flavorful sausage is also important. For best results, always use the freshest toppings practical.

Good luck, HTH. (I’m not a shop owner, but I am a bona-fide pizza lover.)
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Here is a basic place to start looking at recipes; it is the recipe bank for PMQ

You can also click above on SEARCH and type in some words for the sorts of things you want to find out about. BIG HINT: on the ‘front’ page of the Think Tank that lists the threads, there is a sticky for Think Tank FAQ. there is a ton of information linked in that thread. It will give you some starting direction in getting a business built up. It is a guide to lots of conversations with and by lots of people who contribute here in the Think Tank.
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Pizza Roadie:
A suggestion to think about from an American consumer perspective: Don’t call it American
In the US, that’s what Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, and Domino’s make. It’s a white flour based, airy, soft crust, and it tends to have a large “border” without toppings or sauce around the edge–for added cheapness, I guess. Any self-respecting pizza aficionado avoids those places, as they tend to be, well, not so good considering other available choices in any given area.

Maybe narrow it down to either New York or Chicago style. They’re the two main pizza “capitols” of the US, and I trust that both are well-known enough as American cities that it would automatically differentiate your pizza from the Italian joints.

Each of those two regions has its trademarks. The differences go well beyond the common “New York: thin, Chicago: thick” theme. Research your pizzas well and you’ll find out how inaccurate that statement can be.

Come up with a nice NY or Chicago dough recipe, then perfect your sauce flavor. A unique, flavorful sausage is also important. For best results, always use the freshest toppings practical.

Good luck, HTH. (I’m not a shop owner, but I am a bona-fide pizza lover.)
Thank you Pizza Roadie, sorry it took me so long to Reply but i could not figure out how to use this thing.

Your advice sounds very good, i really like the sound of Chicago Pizza but do you think it will clash with the name of the shop as it is Called Rock Vegas???

do you suggest i should go for thin or thick pizza or shall i offer a choice of either???

i hope you get my reply as im not sure how to inform you of that i am doing so.

Thanking you again, for your advice and your time,

God Bless

Pierre Cassar
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Thanks nick, i did look into the page you told me, very interesting, now i will look into FAQ as you recomended, thanks again for your time

Pierre Cassar

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