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Opinion Poll on My Posts Since I Challenged gregster on his


Staff member
Because I ask gregster to put up a poll to see if the community found his contributions helpful I will do the same.
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Re: Becase I asked gregster to do this

Sorry Richard but Nick beat you to it. Not going to submit to yours. I might wear out my keyboard. 😛

But then again if Gregster put one up …

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Re: Becase I asked gregster to do this
wa dave:
Sorry Richard but Nick beat you to it. Not going to submit to yours. I might wear out my keyboard. 😛

But then again if Gregster put one up …

I am crushed that you would chose to wear you keyboard out on Nick rather than me 😦
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Re: Becase I asked gregster to do this

I like forum software that allows you to “rep” someone. Makes it easy and anonymous to let posters know how they are doing. I am trying it out on
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Re: Becase I asked gregster to do this

okay did someone change the rules??? Do we now need at least one poll in order to get keys to the tt bathroom? :lol:

I enjoy having you here.

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Re: Becase I asked gregster to do this
Dewar's Pizza Bakery:
I like forum software that allows you to “rep” someone. Makes it easy and anonymous to let posters know how they are doing. I am trying it out on
One forum I go to daily ( has a Karma function. If someone is helpfull or makes you laugh or whatever you give the a positive Karma and their rating goes up by 1. If they are a jerk or stupid you give them negative karma and their rating goes down. It’s nice to show someone their input is appreciated.

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Re: Opinion Poll on My Posts Since I Challenged gregster on

Yeah Richard, you’re such a pain, you never post anything to help anyone! By the way, thanks again for helping me last week when I was having a problem logging in! 🙂

Tom R
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Re: Becase I asked gregster to do this
Rick G:
Dewar's Pizza Bakery:
I like forum software that allows you to “rep” someone. Makes it easy and anonymous to let posters know how they are doing. I am trying it out on
One forum I go to daily ( has a Karma function. If someone is helpfull or makes you laugh or whatever you give the a positive Karma and their rating goes up by 1. If they are a jerk or stupid you give them negative karma and their rating goes down. It’s nice to show someone their input is appreciated.

I like that. I think I will hack the name from Reputation to Karma.
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