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Any suggestions on other forums to check out that are as helpful as this one?
None are as good as this one. For recipes and stuff like that, has a good site. But for general business support, this site blows that one away. And part of that is because j_r0kk doesn’t “frequent other forums”.
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LOL, thanks for the compliment DFW. Don’t go selling yourself short over there, though. I’ve learned just as much from your posts as you have mine I’m sure.

I truly think we’ve got a solid core of operators in here with the expertise that really makes this place fun and informative. Sure, I’ll toss an idea or two out there but I soak in a lot of advice as well… Except for the Stanislaus one. Sorry guys, I use Escalon and love it, dented cans and all.

I think the best part about this forum is everyone’s willingness to help… quickly. It’s almost as if people are battling to give advice first in here, which is pretty cool if you ask me. I can count at least 20 people who’ve helped me in one way or another since I’ve been a part of Think Tank. Also, the fact that Tom religiously follows the posts written in here… almost as often than I do, is a breath of fresh air as well. I’ll ask you, “How many magazine editors actually frequent the forum section their magazine hosts?” Not many.

Anyway, that’s why I stay here. Not very many people second guess the opinions of others. If they have a different opinion they’re tactful with their responses… most of the time. Sure you’ll have the occasional one who wants to be argumentative (confession: I like a battle of wits and I kinda dig little tiffs here and there), but not too often.

With that being said, struggle99, you’re in the right place at the right time. Soak it up while you can because I don’t think you’ll find a better medium than Think Tank to help you with the success of your store. -J_r0kk
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I have look at the other forums (found them by googling pizza forum) and noticed the frequency of posts are not enough to spend my time on them. Many of the members of the other posts you will find right here.
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I have checked out the boards at pizza today and pizza marketplace and they both suck. Filled with spam and barely used by legit users. I even subscribed to pizza insite and was completly disapointed in the message boards. 3-6 months between posts. The weekly emails make it worth it though. For daily advice from qualified people, nothing comes close to this board.
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I also have checked out other pizza forums and none of them come close to the support and willingness to help that you can find here.
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why would you like to check other forums after checking this one? this is the ferrari of pizza forums, the “grande cheese” of forums…lol… don’t waste ur time looking for other forums, you won’t find such of dedicated people willing to help like everyone here… just like j rok said where else are you going to find editors of the biggest pizza magazine in the world replying to ur topics… also where else are you going to find the help of the dough doctor… PMQ THINK TANK FOR LIFE!!! LOL
I will say that Pizza Today bullein board has goo information. It does no have the volme that this board has, but good people pay attention tere and have good info.hutdt
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