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Our e-newsletter as marketing


New member
I started down this thread on another pizza board, and thought I’d add it here. I figure it could be useful information for those looking for an inexpensive element to add to your marketing plan:
Originally posted by Marconi:
[qb]Chef Nick, I like the idea of the monthly
e-newsletter. What do include in your letter?[/qb]
My wife is actually the author/editor and operations manager, so I can give some info, but not all. We put in all sorts of things going on at the shop: plans for coming specials, new menu items, new products intorduced.

Also things like:
  • []community events[]market trends[]advertisements/info for local businesses[]city council news[]annoucements and notices of customer successes and accomplishments[]personal notes about our lives[]occasional greetings and letter from me or wife[]tips and hints for home kitchens
  • anything else that develops and strenghtens our relationship with customers and community

We always include our phone number, website address, catch phrases, current promotions, slogans and such. It is an interactive newsletter to be sure. Each one is different, and not all of them have everything in them. We know the vast majority of our customers personally on some level, and this newsletter helps foster the samll town intimacy and personal connection. Personal relationships will foster loyalty later down the road for us . . . and probably for you.

Anyone who wants to be added to our list for our next couple of editions is welcome to send me an email address at nickgrantvillenet. We haven’t done a full-fledged one in a while, but will ramp them back up in the coming weeks to stir up business for our re-opening. we’ve done several small notes to stay in touch with customers during our down town and keep in their minds.
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