Our pizzeria is closed we offer new software for restaurants


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We’re offering our restaurant management software that was originally built for our restaurant franchise. Unfortunately our owner had to quit a business because of health problems so we’ve decided to offer our software to restaurants and food franchises. We’ve put a lot of effort, time and restaurant business experience into developing it.

Our goal was to develop a software that will completely redefine the management of a restaurant in order to achieve maximum effectivity and deal with the biggest problems in managing a restaurant.

The software is based online browser, and it has a modern but simple and user-friendly design. You can access it from any device including tablet and cell phone.

Our software lets you:

Manage & see your ingredients stock which is automatically updated after a meal is made
Save all your food recipes & guide your chefs step by step
See the real food cost & help you to manage it to get a desired profit
Schedule employee’s shifts based on their availability & notify them about changes
Identify rush and slow hours & suggest the number of workforce needed
See detailed sales analytics
See a detailed info about every order
Create beautiful and fully customizable order form for your customers on your website
Accept payments
Notify customers when their food is being prepared, waiting for a delivery and being delivered (in case of delivery order)
Calculate route to customer for delivery driver and navigate him
Create various promotions
Manager is automatically informed about important events (for example some ingredient is low on stock) via email

Your customers will be able to:

Create an account & get $ towards future orders
Choose from 2 delivery types: walk-in order and delivery (customers can schedule both)
Leave you a private reviews & feedback
Get credit back from his orders - loyalty bonus - you can turn it off or set up how much he can get back

These are only a few of the software’s great features but obviously we can’t publicly present them all. If you’re interested please contact us and we’ll be happy to introduce & show you all of them in more detail. We’re offering a one to three month trial for a symbolic price, so you can try it out with no contract. If you’ll like it we’ll discuss a more permanent license fee.

The estimated value of our software is $200.000 - we’re mentioning this just so you can imagine the scope of it. It’s basically all you’ll need to manage your restaurant. It will take care of everything.

As we’ve mentioned in the beginning, we were forced to close our restaurant which means that we still have a lot of pizza boxes (with a beautiful & original hand painting!), can offer them as a bonus for free with software.
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We are planning on opening up a pizza restaurant I would love some more information on this software and price you are asking for it please.
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