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Our WHEAT bread is actually WHITE... why?


New member
So we’re trying to make a Wheat bread sub roll, used the same recipie as our white sub roll (using all purpose flour)… but we bought King Wheat. Well the flour itself is white, just like our All-Purpose. And the rolls after baking look exactly the same as our white.

Aparently we used the wrong type of “Wheat” flour? What should we be using?

Thanks all!
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If it is milled from “spring wheat” it will be almost white but is may still be “whole wheat”…
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Most bread and pizza flour comes from wheat, it’s the degree of processing that results in the final product. . I believe you are trying to make whole wheat bread sub rolls. Whole wheat flour includes the bran. Processed wheat has the bran removed. Thus, the all purpose flour you have been using is de-braned or white wheat flour. Often whole wheat breads or rolls are made with a combination of “white” wheat and whole gran wheat flour. Look at some receipts before just replacing the all purpose with whole grain wheat flour.
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King Wheat is a brand name for one of the General Mills flours. It is not a whole-wheat flour but instead it is a hard red winter wheat patent grade flour with about 11% protein content. To get a whole=wheat flour you need to specify “whole-wheat flour” not “wheat flour” as most flours that we use are milled from a variety of wheat, typically either hard red winter wheat (lower protein content flours) or hard red spring wheat (higher protein content flours) there are also soft wheat varieties but these are normally reserved for cake flour, some pastry flours, cookie flour, and some all-purpose flours. There is a whole-wheat version of soft wheat flour called “graham flour” Now you know what kind of flour graham crackers are made from. Soft wheat flours are used for producing flour that is relatively low in protein content, plus the gluten formed from the protein is not as strong as that formed from the hard wheat varieties.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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