Oven repair help in Fort Worth


New member
I own a pizza joint just south of Fort Worth Texas and looking for some help. We recently replaced our Lincoln conveyor ovens with what we call Frankenstein ovens! The were originally Blodgett oven that were gutted and rebuilt using all Marshal Middleby components. They worked great for about 6 months and now are not holding temp. Temperature hits set point then nose dives a couple hundred degress and then comes back up just to fall again.

I’ve tried bringing some random kitchen repair guys out in the past to look at my Lincoln ovens but they just kept installing parts and never got it really working right. Does anyone know anyone in the Dallas Fort Worth area they trust with their ovens? I would love to have a good guy that I can call when an issue arises.
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You did buy a Frankenstine.

Never heard of that combination before.
I doubt you will find someone who can fix it
George Mills
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The structure that holds the mechanicals, electronics and systems is almost irrelevant.
If you have a Camaro and retrofit it with a Mustang engine, Mustang computer and wiring harness, a ford 9’ rear end… it’s essentially a Mustang. Who cares what the hood, fenders, grill and tail lights look like?
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Call Ray - 903-491-1388. He’s really good. He might be able to help with your frankenstein oven
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