Oven temps

Hey guys,
I’m running a Blodgett 1048 at my shop and have a few questions on oven temps. I run my thermostat at 525 but when I use a temp gun my stones are 475-485 depending on the spots. Sometimes I see 490s if the oven hasn’t been open or had a pizza cooked in a wile in their. Anything over 480 burns my bottoms and cooks it way quicker then the top. I wouldn’t say charred burned but really dark. I tend to cook my pies a tad bit in the well done side of the spectrum. Let’s say it’s a nice dark tan color. No black spots but no white spots ether. I would like to turn it up a tad to get quicker bake times but I always burn the bottom. Anyone else take oven temp readings from the stone itself? My dough is a 60% hydration ny style. 1.5% oil and 1% sugar.

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You can reduce or eliminate the sugar to help with the burning problem. @Tom Lehmann can give you the best answers on this problem. He has often referred to the thermostat as a “wishostat” meaning you wish that was the temperature.
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Yeah I understand that. But what I guess I’m getting at is has anyone ever really tried getting a true temp of the stone to see what the temp actually is?

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