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i own a pizza shop In AN old town an people like that we make everything there. and i just took oever in a partnership(partner became silent). i have increased sales 30 percent, but im afraid adding a computer will take away from our (charm) or original ownership sweating and confusion… im serious. i think people in this little town will think i have turned into WALMART.
I use my pos as a cheatsheet to remember little things about the customers. This allows me to give the personal touch the big boys lack.
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Well. IMHO P.O.S. systems are multitasking machines. I feel that you don’t need to lose the old “diner” feel like memo pads/tickets and such.

I believe that P.O.S. systems excel at delivery orders and store management, inventory, time schedules, order tracking.

Without knowing how your shop is set up it would be hard to know if you could add a P.O.S. system without it altering the appearance that your customers and you have come to love.

It would be hard in my view to track customers. track sales, and in turn make your shop a big competitor in a saturated market without a P.O.S. system.

With this being said. I assume you were making a statement about why you believe you can’t institute a P.O.S. system. Very few customers would notice the change unless you are a dine in/pick up store only.

P.O.S. systems are a BIG ticket item. second only to your ovens most likely. (maybe your mixer if you go the low cost P.O.S. route.) The correct decision in a P.O.S. system will pay for itself quickly for a busy store in all around savings and tracking of every aspect of your business. The man hour savings alone could make it worth while.

Maybe this will shed some light on why they are good items. While I understand fully why you wouldn’t want a P.O.S. system, I see to many benefits to not have one.
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If you can afford it, a POS is a No-brainer. Best move I ever made operations-wise. Check old threads for numerous reasons why it makes sense.
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A POS doesn’t have to be a big ticket item. I have 4 stations at a total cost including hardware and software of less than $5k.
Shop around for your hardware i got a good deal on 4 Dell PC that were just not quite good enough for the gamer market. And as most of you know I am a big Point of Success fan.
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i don’t know what i would do with out it. wondering why i didn’t have it from the beginning.
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Daddio, what system are you using? That is a great cost. My six station system costs more like 15K.
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Daddio, what system are you using? That is a great cost. My six station system costs more like 15K.
It was hidden in his post . . .
And as most of you know I am a big Point of Success fan.
Software itself runs about $600 for their premium package. You get to build the hardware network as you can find it. I’m looking at doing this and getting some lower cost hardware from some sources I have contact with. Same goods, less price. Sure there are add-on modules . . . they all do.
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I’ve just jumped from one POS to another, Point of Success…learning curve is not too steep & quite effective…better reporting functions & data base use than previous…bout some P4 Dells on ebay for approx. $150 each & some touch-screens - whole set-up for a 4 station system w/printers less than 3K
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