Pan release tips and tricks


New member
For two decades we have sprayed pans and screens with Pam, or some other non-stick/release equivalent, for our live dough skins. It’s. A. Mess. It has only gotten worse as production has expanded.
  1. The aerosolized product gets everywhere
  2. The overage pools after many screens/pans sprayed
  3. The extra time and steps it takes to do this to keep the spray out of the air on the line is prohibitive to speedy pie production.
What magic tips or tricks have you found to address these issues?
The screens, just spray them with pam, bake them for 5 to 10 minutes in a deck or run through the conveyor oven once or twice. They wont stick anymore. Its called seasoning them.

The pans need to be seasoned also maybe with oil or spray. and ran through the oven 2 or 3 times. the problem with pans is you will lose the seasoning if cheese is scrubed off the edge when washing. either dont put cheese to the edge of the pan, or soak the pans when washing so the cheese and topping residue falls of instead of needing to be scrubed.
Thanks for this Sparrows! Screens are well seasoned; without the release, our experience is the live dough sticks. Our cracker crusts don’t, but the fresh dough does.
We brushed trays with a mixture of veg and olive oil. We used plastic bakery scapers to scrape a skin off the tray to make pizza and to scrape the full size sheet pan before washing, ready for the next batch of dough
Sorry didnt fully read the question. We used non stick screens from Lloyd’s to build and cook pizzas on. Never had one stick after first use. More expensive up front, but i never had to replace like the other screens
Screens need run through the oven more than 5 times to be seasoned properly, if we’re talking about your average screen. A Lloyd pans non stick screen only needs it after first use (and after washing). Before using Lloyd pans, we would season our screens for hours until they were black. Every now and then you had something stick, typically thin crust. Your issue may be coming from too much moisture in your pizza, either in the dough or toppings, since it is not happening to your cracker crust which is a very low hydration dough formulation
Never heard it called “live” dough.
I’m guessing you mean dough you make in the store, around 60% hydration, then you rollup in balls and cold fermentate for a couple days.
And by craker crust it is the premade stuff you buy through your distributor? or its very low hydration dough you make daily, and run through a sheeter?
Live dough assumption is correct, yes. For reference, when I say live I mean active/live yeast. Cracker crust is premade by distributor and not in-house.
Yes, at this time. That hasn’t always been the case, though a pan release spray has been part of the process in both instances.
Just stop washing the screens. If/when you do wash them, you have to reseason them. I worked at Dominos and Papa Johns for over ten years and they never washed them. I have had my place for over 6 years and I have washed them twice.
When you have stack of them(15or more) just out of the oven, hold them sideways and bang them on the counter 4 or 5 times to get rid of the residue, then put them back in the dough area ready to be used again.
Nothing on this planet lives past 165 degrees. those screens are going thru a 500 degree oven for over 5 minutes probably
At Dominos we did wash the pans (96 thru 99). but they would put a lot of oil in those pans.
I worked at pizza hut (92 thur 93) and they didnt wash the pans at all. then I worked at pizza hut again (99 thru 2001) and they did wash the pans, They said they had new pans that were very well pre seasoned.
Sparrows, your input is appreciated and certainly provides options to consider and work through. This is very helpful. Thanks.
Before we got conveyors we didn’t use screens much just to keep pizza from burning since we made it off the board. With conveyors now we only use the Lloyd’s hearth discs which don’t stick, just run them through once and after washing. I wouldn’t use the cheap screens.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread. The thinking has been productive and helpful. We’re testing out Lloyd’s Quik-Disks, as well as the nuances contributed, and we think we may be on to something. We appreciate the assistance.
For the disk to do its thing, oven temperature should be increased 50 degrees. You need more heat in the oven to penetrate the solid substrate.