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Panini paper wrap


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Talking to a friend about my panini machine smoking and he said it’s because of the ingredients melting, the butter that we put on, etc… which I figured out by myself. Just because I am so bright.
Anyway, he mentioned a paper they make which you can sort make the panini on, and place it on the grill with the paper still wrapped around it; Apparently it contains much of what makes the smoke.
Any experience with this paper, product, etc?
Is it just parchment? I assumed that element would stop the crisping, toasting, etc.
Thanks in advance.
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Are you referring to silicone baking sheets? We developed an oven baked sandwich that was made using a hoagie bun with cheese and meat fillings then wrapped in a silicone baking sheet and baked right along with the pizzas in an air impingement oven, they were great! They had a nice toasted, crispy crust with a softer crumb structure with a hot filling and melted cheese. We used to demo this at our annual pizza seminar when I was at AIB as well as at the Ohio NAPIC Show. You can buy these on line in different weights, you don’t want to have the heavy weight one as it is too thick but one of the lighter or mid-weight sheets should work well. I’ve see the light weight sheets sold by the roll at our local supermarket too. These are the same material that you see the cup cake and muffin pan liners made from.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks, Tom.
I believe my friend did say “baking paper” so… perhaps.
The paper weight is an issue- so appreciate that recommendation.
I don’t really want an insulation, just a way to catch all the “crap”.
Tom… do I want to avoid the word “parchment”, as I see a lot of these words used at the same time?
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The correct term is baking parchment paper. It does not insulate and it is designed for high temperature exposure. We used to use it on the bottom of sheet pans when making cakes and it is still the standard for use in lining sheet pans when making brownie squares and souffle pans when making sponge cake for jelly rolls, and of course there are the cupcake and muffin pan cup liners, but I already mentioned that. Just make sure the paper that you use is a baking type of parchment paper as all parchment paper is not designed for use in a baking environment. If you have a bakery near you trade a pizza for a few of their sheets of baking parchment paper. In all probability they’ll be sized for an 18" X 26" sheet pan but they’re easy to cut down to whatever size you need. When we were making those sandwiches we used a half sheet by simply cutting the full 18 X 26 sheets in half.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks for the clarification.
I have some 16x24 QBake liners here- that seems to be what you are referring to.
The box shows a cupcake pan so… should be good!
Thanks, again.
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