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Panned Pizza... Temperature Fluctuations in Kitchen... Oh my.


New member
Hi there,

First time posting a question, please be gentle!

Our restaurant has just ordered a new-to-us pizza oven. Garland GPD 48" propane, pyrorock deck. We’re very excited, but also very nervous!

We don’t have our dough program entirely sorted yet. We’re going to be doing some version of a New York style dough, with ratios around : All-purpose or bread flour: 100% Sugar: 2% Salt: 1.5% Instant yeast: 1.5 % Oil: 5% Water: 67%. We haven’t decided what kind of oil to use yet (canola and olive oil are the current contenders), and we’re not certain about the sugar content (we figure we’ll need a bit as we’re panning our pizzas, more on that below). Dough will be made daily, overnight in walkin for a minimum of 16hrs, and then pulled, brought to room temp, then portioned and ready for panning. My biggest concern here is the ‘brought to room temp’ statement. Our return air system isn’t temperature controlled, so in the winter the kitchen is chilly, and summer it’s sometimes sweltering. I’m wondering how concerned about this I should be when it comes to my dough.

People in our area are fussy about their crust, and we want to make sure we offer a consistent product. We’ve got a 20qt Globe mixer, have ordered some bigger kitchen scales, and are excited to play in the dough. We plan on panning our dough on coupe-style aluminum pans with rolled edges. The thinnest gauge I’ve been able to find so far is 18 and 20 gauge. I feel like something thinner would be better, but then again, I’m not certain who ‘flimsy’ a thinner gauge would be . Regardless, given labour issues (rural area, not a lot of folks looking for kitchen work), we don’t plan on decking the pizzas right into the oven - easier to train someone to deal with a pan than a peel?

We don’t know what temp we’re going to be firing at, but I’m assuming 500F.

Anyway, as you can probably already tell, we have a million questions, but my main questions for this post are :
  1. Are there any special considerations we should make for our dough recipe due to the fact that we’re panning the pizzas? Could we go any higher than 2% sugar?
  2. Does anyone have any thoughts on coupe-style pans? I’m avoiding screens since I think it’s simpler/faster to stretch right onto the pan as compared to stretching dough on tabling, then transferring to screen.
  3. Are the temperature fluctuations in my kitchen going to be an issue? Am I wrong in assuming that the initial mixing of the dough won’t be impacted by these fluctuations? The water is always going to be the same temp when mixing with the flour, and while the air temperature in the kitchen varies a lot, I can’t imagine that impacting the dough when it’s only being mixed for minutes…
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text! Any help offered is appreciated.
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The water is always going to be the same temp when mixing with the flour, and while the air temperature in the kitchen varies a lot, I can’t imagine that impacting the dough when it’s only being mixed for minutes…
Ideally you should have the finished temperature of your dough consistent. Here is a link to an article that will help you understand what a desired dough temperature is and how to achieve it.
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